Press Kit
1.75 minutes

About Starship Excelsior
Since leaving spacedock in 2007, Starship Excelsior has become the longest-running fan-made Star Trek audio drama ever, with its all-volunteer cast and crew hailing from all over the world.
Commander Alcar Dovan and his diverse young crew of misfits have spent years exploring strange new worlds (or just surviving them) on the far frontier. Yet, even after meeting Death (in the flesh!), discovering the truth about the Borg, and spending a week at the galaxy's largest amusement park, there's still plenty more for them to see.
We don't aim to preserve Star Trek exactly as it was in 1966, but we also aren't going to "update" the soul of Star Trek: its deeply humane vision of the future. Excelsior simply tries to do what the best Trek has always done: tell the best stories possible on the cutting edge of today's science fiction. Our stories are big, our production takes risks, and we promise to take you where no one has gone before!
When & Where
On the web:
On your favorite podcast service:
iTunes | Google Play | Stitcher | plain ol' RSS | Zune (RIP)
On social media:
Facebook | Twitter
Excelsior originally released 40-minute episodes quarterly. It now releases 80-minutes semiannually.
Where Should I Start?:
We've got a whole page for new listeners. (But "Guards! GET THEM!" is a pretty good first episode.)
People Are Talking
Coverage from:
Nominated for:
- Parsec Awards: Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama, Long Form
FINALISTS in 2011 and 2016; nominated annually 2009-2017
- Audioverse Awards: Best Fan Audio Drama
FINALISTS 2015; nominated 2014, 2016
From our fans:
"I love this podcast. I have listened to it several times and want more!"
"Every minute of every episode is done in a way that seems almost professional, and each one is worth the wait."
"Been listening for a couple years and love every minute."
"Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning! Excellent audio drama! The production quality and sound effects bring you into their world. Great storytelling! The plot, the characters, the action... evolves into great Star Trek entertainment. I hope the ride never ends!"
Read more listener reviews on our iTunes page!
Brand Gallery
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Download the fact sheet and all brand assets here: ZIP file, 2.1 MB