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Tournament FAQ

It's that time of year again -- the Road to the World Championships is upon us. This year's Championship Circuit includes the State/Provincial/National, Continental, and World Championship tournaments. While our full Code of Conduct covers all sanctioned tournament play, this FAQ contains excerpts of new or revised rules of particular importance to Championship Circuit play, as well as full information concerning the use of deck lists in Championship Circuit events. Questions about this FAQ should be addressed to the Tournament Coordinator (

1. Deck lists are required for all championship circuit events for all games. (Tournament directors may apply these rules to their own events if they wish; however, deck lists are not normally required for non-championship circuit events.) It is strongly recommended that you use the official deck list forms (or provide a printed list in the same format), which may be downloaded from our tournament resource section or from these links:

Star Trek CCG Deck List
Star Wars CCG Deck List
Young Jedi CCG Deck List

Adobe Acrobat, which may obtained free from Adobe, is required to view and print the forms.

Deck lists must be completed and submitted, with your deck(s), to the tournament director prior to the start of the event for preliminary checking. The tournament director should indicate in event announcements how far in advance of the starting time the deck lists and decks must be submitted; a minimum of 30 minutes in advance is recommended.

Tournament directors should, whenever possible, check all deck lists for obvious illegalities before the start of play so that they may be corrected without penalty. Decks should be collected at random between matches for comparison to the deck lists. Tournament directors should inform players when collecting deck lists and again before play begins of the consequences of deck list discrepancies.

Your deck list(s) must describe a legal deck and conform exactly to the contents of your deck(s). If any discrepancies are found, penalties will be applied according to the following guidelines:

Deck LIST is illegal (e.g., Star Trek CCG deck list with more than 30 seed cards or fewer than 30 draw deck cards, Star Wars CCG deck list size not equal to 60, Young Jedi CCG deck list with cards for a color not equal to 10, cards listed that are illegal in a specific deck or side deck): If prior to that deck being played in the event, the player must correct the deck LIST to make it legal, and if necessary, correct the deck to make it match the revised list. If the deck has already been played this event, the player is disqualified (regardless of the legality of the deck itself).

The following assume that the deck list itself is legal.

Unlisted cards found in, and/or listed cards missing from, any deck or portion of a deck: If prior to that deck being played in the event, the player must alter the deck permanently to make it match the deck list and is given a warning.

Unlisted cards found in any deck or portion of a deck that has a fixed maximum size (e.g., SWCCG or YJCCG deck with more than 60 cards, STCCG seed deck with more than 30 cards or Q's Tent with more than 13 cards): If the deck has already been played this event, the player is disqualified.

Unlisted cards found in any deck or portion of a deck with no fixed maximum size (e.g., STCCG draw decks and side decks other than Q's Tent): If the deck has already been played this event, the player must remove the extra cards permanently from the deck to make it match the list, and forfeits the previous game played with that deck (or the current game, if in progress).

Listed cards missing from any portion of the deck: If the deck has already been played this event, the player must add cards to the deck to make it match the list and forfeits the previous game played with that deck (or the current game, if in progress). If unable to provide the listed cards, the player is disqualified.

In all cases, the tournament director should make every effort to determine if extra cards were mistakenly picked up from an opponent or missing cards have been misplaced in an opponent's deck. If so, the cards should be restored to their owners and no penalty applied other than a warning. (If a player discovers during play that he is missing cards or has a former opponent's cards in his deck, he should notify the tournament director immediately, and must continue the game without the missing cards, or remove the extraneous cards from the deck.)

The tournament director should use his discretion in the application of penalties if there is evidence that the player is not responsible the discrepancy (such as verification of a correct deck count from a prior match).

Recurring discrepancies (either the same or different ones) are grounds for disqualification.

2. Either clear or opaque card protective sleeves may be used for Jedi Knights TCG, Star Trek CCG, Star Wars CCG, and Young Jedi CCG sanctioned tournaments. If sleeves are used, all cards must be sleeved, and sleeves must all be of the same type and color; the only exception is that all double-sided cards must be in clear sleeves regardless of the sleeve type used for the rest of the deck. Any logos on the sleeves must be on the face-side of the cards. If your deck contains one or more foil versions of any card, all of your cards must be sleeved.

Sleeves suspected of being illegally marked should be brought to the attention of the tournament director or judge. (You may examine the sleeve backs when you count your opponent's deck.) If they determine that a sleeve is illegally marked, the player must either replace the suspect sleeve or desleeve the entire deck. (If the marking is judged to be deliberate, the player will be disqualified.) It is highly recommended that each player bring extra sleeves for replacements in case of damage or markings.

Star Wars CCG: You are required to bring extra sleeves for use if you "steal" an opponent's card or your opponent places an insert card into your reserve deck. These sleeves must be marked in a manner that will not interfere with shuffling, but will still be easily identifiable when the insert card reaches the top of the reserve deck.

3. If your constructed deck contains any card with non-English game text (if not the native language for your area), you must have official documentation of the latest Engish version. Acceptable documentation is a copy of the English version of the card, or the Glossary or Current Rulings Document if it includes the latest game text for that card (such as Blast The Door Kid or Beru Lars). A printout of the card is not acceptable. If you do not have acceptable documentation, your opponent may choose to allow you to play the card or to place it out of play.

4. The marking of card backs is forbidden. Markings on the face of cards or sleeves, such as autographs, ownership identification, variable card features, etc., are allowed if they are not visible from the back, do not interfere with shuffling, and do not obscure gameplay or identifying features of the card (such as game text, card title, or image). These restrictions apply to both sides of a double-sided card.

Revised 04/10/01


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