Here is a list of all the personnel who can report to the Office Of The President
(Dominion,R) for free.
Admiral Hayes (First Contact,R)
Admiral Leyton (Dominion,R)
Admiral McCoy (2-Player,Both,PM)
Admiral Picard (2-Player,Fed.,PM)
Admiral Riker (Dominion,UR)
Alynna Necheyav (Premiere,R)
Fleet Admiral Shanthi (Premiere,U)
Jaresh-Inyo (Dominion,R)
K'Ehleyr (Premiere,R)
Kareel Odan (Premiere,U)
Lojal (Deep Space 9,C)
Norah Satie (Premiere,U)
Sarek (Premiere,R)
Spock (2-Player,Both,PM)
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