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Add fun to OTSD tournaments with this exciting new rules variation for use in sanctioned play.
The idea behind the booster draft format of sealed deck play is to provide a balanced tournament environment, while allowing players to exercise their creative deck building skills.

Set Up:
Each player must start with 1 Official Tournament Sealed Deck. Players are seated in groups of no fewer than 4 and no more than 6, balancing the number of players in each group as much as possible in the following way:

8 players = 2 groups of 4
9 players = 1 group of 4 and 1 group of 5
10 players = 2 groups of 5
11 players = 1 group of 5 and 1 group of 6
12 players = 2 groups of 6
13 players = 2 groups of 4 and 1 group of 5
and so on...

Drafting the Cards:
Once all players are seated, each player opens their Official Tournament Sealed Deck. Each player, starting with the Premier boosters, opens one pack; chooses the one card that he or she wants to put into their deck and then passes the remainder of the pack to the player on the left. No player may pick up the stack of cards that was passed to them until all players have chosen their one card and are ready to pass, this is done in order to minimize confusion and the possibility of mixing piles of cards that might begin to stack up if one player is taking longer to draft than others. Any card that has been chosen by a player may no longer be looked at once they have picked up the next stack of cards. This is done so that the drafting process takes less time.

Once all the cards have been exhausted from the first pack of cards, each player then opens a second Premier pack and duplicates the process, this time passing the cards to the right, and switching directions after each pack. When all the Premier boosters are finished, draft the Alternate Universe booster (drafting should be done in the order in which the expansions were released). The twenty premium cards that are in the Official Tournament Sealed Deck are not drafted, each player holds onto their own and may incorporate them into their decks.

Building Your Deck:
Once the draft is completed everyone builds a deck based on the 30/30 rule (no more than a 30 card seed deck and no fewer than a 30 card draw deck). Any cards that the player does not use may be placed aside and substitued into their deck between games using the same 30/30 rule. The tournament is then run as a regular Enhanced Format Official Tournament Sealed Deck would be.


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