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I am also in agreement (txt) ... the lioness ... 03.20-17:09 |
As a player who qualified for last years cancelled worlds, I would just like to say that I did not complain at the time. I decided to look at the reason we were given for the cancellation as genuine and enjoy my time spent in VA with my friends. This just makes me realize that no matter what was said last year money was an issue. The $36,000 they expect to bring in with this from the everyday player is enough to give the $10,000 to Wars, Trek and Lord of the rings, $1,000 to Young Jedi and Knights and leave a remaining profit. Nice deal if you are the company. I must admit that my good faith and attitude took a big hit with this one.
I think that it is said that Trek seems to be ceasing to be about the game, the players, pride in your ability to play and simple fun and is becoming about the money. Last year I was thrilled to have won the chance to PLAY in worlds. It gave me a great sense of accomplishment in a game I have played for a long time. This year I just don't know. Georgia "The Lioness" Miller >>Once again, Star Trek players get the shaft in the Decipher care package. The new opens setting is total moot. There are no States, no Provincials no tournaments to qualify LOCAL players for Decipher Con. Players can win more than one Open, meaning someone else doesn't get their bye. It's a total free-for-all. >> >>And the cost, that's my big thing! $300 to run one lousy tournament? (But wait, you can run a LotR one and a FREE STCCG tournament!) Then Decipher (or DMA, or whatever) has the gull to recommend stores to charge $15 a head? That means each tournament will have to have at least 20 players for the store to break even. Has it ever occured to Decipher that some areas don't have a large player collective? Hence, some places can't afford to hold one of these opens. (Hold on! Decipher will send TWO display boxes to be given out!) Whoop-de-doo. The last thing we need are old boxes of sets. And we know they won't give out new stuff when they can still make money off them. Most likely we'll get Reflections and Starter Deck 2s. So let's see, assuming we get booster boxes, that's 60 packs, divident amongst 20+ players, meaning each player gets at most 3 packs. The last thing we need are 5 dollar packs from old sets filled with lousy cards we don't need anymore. >> >>Supposedly, Decipher is allowing 120 of these tournaments, each for $300 to them, meaning they get $36,000 from them, assuming they run them all (or $72,000 if you count the LotR ones too). But who is getting the $5,000 "premiere" tournaments? Not Star Trek, no, of course not. LotR is. Nevermind that Decipher would be long gone if it weren't for the SWCCG and STCCG (which was it's first brainchild, btw) players' loyalty to the company after countless years. But how are we rewarded? We're not. We don't get World Cups, we don't get foiled card from new sets sent to tournaments. We don't get league kits. We get nothing, nada, zip - oh, except for $15 tournaments with a chance of getting into day 2 of DCon. (And Day 1 of DCon so better not be Warp Speed or Sealed.) We don't even get lousy T-Shirts anymore! >> >>It's really nice to see how Decipher cares so much about it's players. We feel really good. It's nice to see people leave a game after playing for over five years because Decipher has decided to [drill] us over for a new player group. I myself will not be playing in any of these opens, it's just another idea to make money (which of course, Decipher does as a company) while killing off its player base (which is bad, incase you didn't know; Marketing, jot that down). I just feel sick right now. Sick. >> >> >>- Chris "Brak" O'Connell >>Connecticut, USA Tournament Director >>brak@kedanya.org > > |
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