First off, I use the word *customers* as opposed to *players* because that is what we are to them and I don't really have a problem with this. I am choosing to be a customer because I love the game (ST:CCG). However, I hate the company. Every time I buy product I think about how I am putting money into a company that has no respect for their customers at all. Because of this I have been buying less and less product. I am not the only one who feels this way, nor am I the only one who is buying less product. I also know of 6 players from our player base that have quit Star Trek:CCG all together and another 3 that are MIA. Decipher needs to take a look at what they are doing because it will only be a matter of time before my love of the game is outweighed by my hate for the company that produces it. I am also considering boycotting the Opens because they are a design built primarily to benefit Decipher, the retailers secondly, and the players lastly but I am going to reserve my judgment until I see what is scheduled and how it's run. I am also sick of ST:CCG taking a back seat to every other game Decipher makes. I could accept it when it was Star Wars, Young Jedi, and even Jedi Knights, but they are taking it to a whole new level with Lord of the Rings. They get a $5,000 "Premiere Series" and we get nothing. I remember "back in the day" when winners of Regionals got free trips to DecipherCon and tournaments got boxes of product and T-Shirts. Now we get 2 shiny commons or uncommons. I guess I've ranted enough, it's not like anyone is going to listen anyway. Just let me leave you with one thought which I mentioned above:
There will come a time when my love of the game will be outweighed by my hatred for the company that produces it.
~Kor (the cynical and jaded)