Attention: Important Changes to Tournament Results Entry ... DanBojo ... 10.31-16:31

Attention Tournament Directors:
Important Changes to Tournaments Results Entry

Change is coming for all Decipher tournament directors. In about a week, the tournament area of Decipher's website will be totally new. All Decipher's games will be supported only by new web-based tournament results entry web pages. Here are some of the benefits of the new system:

Web-based (OS independent)
New rating formats supported (Sprints, Year-To-Date, Lifetime)
Increased control for tournament directors
Improved ratings searches for all players
Support for all games (Lord of the Rings and Jedi Knights included!)
Updated player registry and tournament searches
Reduced errors in results processing

When this change occurs, the current tournament software that you have downloaded onto your home computer will no longer be used for results entry. In order to ensure that this change is handled as smoothly as possible, current tournament directors should do the following things by November 2nd to ensure that their data is in our system before the cutover date:

1.Enter/edit your email address in the current system. We will need a current email address. It will be used as your account name instead of your tournament director ID number. Please verify that you have entered your email address into our database. To do this, go to one of the following links (tournament directors for all games, including Jedi Knights, can use any of the pages to access their personal information):
Enter your information and click on "Adjust My Personal Information."

2.Send any unsent tournaments. Make sure that all of the tournaments in your current software have been sent to Decipher. If they have already been sent, there is no need to re-send them. We will not accept tournament files from the old tournament software after NOVEMBER 2nd at 5 p.m. EST.

3.IMPORTANT! Post any tournaments you have planned. Due to the time required to ship
tournament support, the following change will be implemented for ALL of Decipher's games:

Sanctioned tournaments must be posted at least 14 days before the tournament date.

This change will be effective on November 6th. Any tournaments that are posted before that date do not need to meet the 14-day time frame.

If you have problems or concerns, please contact

Dan Bojanowski
Organized Play Coordinator

October 31, 2001


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