Ronara Regionals TR txt ... Yoda's Evil Twin ... 07.11-17:12
I went to regionals with the PotTS/Sheliak Tripper/STA deck I'd been using for a while npw. Ugh, I messed up. On to the report :-)

Game 1: Me vs. Some guy's old Cardassian Deck.
I knew this would be easy when he mentioned he had 2 tents, and about 200 cards in his deck ;-) I blasted through Quash conspiracy without even scanning, I got my Hor'Gahn easily (no seeds for Q's Planet, yes!) then went through Romulus/Earth for the win, 100-0.
High points: easy win, I got to use my Hor'gahn :-)
Low points: He never had a chance.

Game 2: Me versus Chris Breisch's Romulan Deck
Mistake #1: I took his replacement mission (mine were at the hotel, oops).
We ended up with 5 Collect Sampels on the spaceline ;-) He seeded Romulus, I seede the Continuing commitee. I stole Romulus FAST, then he stole my Cllect Sample, then he scanned through 2 Collect samples, then I stole a Collect Sample, then passed Sheliak/Dead End at his Strategic Diversion for the win. I stole 100 points of missions :-)
Good Points: It was funny to steal 100 points worth of missions :-), and he stalled at 90 points (he couldn't win in 3 missions!)
Bad Points: Theft is bad ;-)

Game 3: Me versus a Bajoran Deck
Tora Ziyal did her job well :-) She tripped Harvester Virus/Duenetic Field GEnerator/Altonian Brain Teaser on Bajor, making HQ: ROtB point-less :-D He got some Orbs, but didn't even have time to return them before me and my Hor'Gahn won the game (He seeded Friendly Fire under Q's Planet)
Good Points: Tora Ziyal worked :-)
Bad Points: He meant to have a Dead End, but left it in Texas.

Game 4: Me against an Earring Deck
Mistake #2: I seeded Dead End under Cardassia, so that dillemma combo would be more effective, instead of Bajor, which is where he had his Starry Night. I also forgot to discard SI to seed a dilemma under Bajor.
He Scanned his way through BAjor, got the Starry Night/Earring, then saved Li. That plus a Particle Fountain and Kivas Fajo was 100.
Good Points: None.
Bad Points: Dead End at the wrong place, Tripping sheliak at the wrong place (I took out Relocate Settlers), forgetting to discard SI.

Game 5: Me against Cheesy McCheese
RBMs, Wormholes, Process Ore, Hor'Gahn (in a roundabout way), UGH! I HATED this game. Luckily, Intruder Alert! worked, so I was protected from Pings, but Crosis+3 RBMs and Lore popped up early :-P I hit Alien Parasites (AAAAAACCCCCCCKKK!!!!!) at Q's Planet while redshirting, so he got my Hor'Gahn ;-( He solved BAjor, Wormholed through my cytherians, and played the Phoenix to get to 60. I solved Earth and Quash for 80, but hit an Edo Probe, so I won 70-60 when time was called.
Mistake #3: If you have 3 Diplomacy in your deck, and Sirol is hit by Mandarin Bailiff, PAY THE RANSOM FOR MANDARIN BAILIFF!
Good Points: HAH! Yeah, right.
Bad Points: The game.

Game #6: Me against that-guy-who-I-played-at-states-and-beat-in-6-turns.
He was playing PNZ, and I set up my usual PNZ defense. Too bad he wasn't the usual PNZ ;-) He was playing PNZ armada. I lost a DDA full of people, leaving me with an outpost, my mission specialists, and the Apnex. I put out Q's Planet, just becasue, and stole Romulus. He then stole Q's Planet (D'OH! Note to self: Add Fair Play), got my Hor'Gahn, and won with a double-turn (I would've grabbed Earth for 45 points the next turn, too :()

My Prize Support stank. JAglom Shrek, Hugh, Arbiter of Succession, Paxan Wormhole, Maihar'Du, and LEETA (not all bad;)) I finished 7th, a good bit behind where I could've been.




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