>Here's the situation, during a tournament, my opponent seeded a Q's Tent during the doorway phase. Later he seeded a Three-way Treaty. I didn't catch the play until we finished the seed phase and drew our cards (I completely forgot about the no side decks restriction on the treaty).
The 3-Way Treaty would not be an illegal card play. Having no side decks is not a condition for playing the card; but it will have no effect if you have a side deck.
>So my question is, when can you call back your opponent's card play? I'd say, you have to do it when the card is played (in the above, I would have missed my chance), but I'd like to hear other's opinions on this.
It's not a matter of opinion, actually. The tournament guide states that once an action (including a card play) has resolved, or once the opponent has responded to the action, it cannot be taken back. This is why it is so important for players to be alert for a misplay *when it occurs.* You can't fix it later.
>On a related questions if my opponent is playing with improper cards (say Fed/Borg) must he/she continue the game with the cards in deck, unable to play them, or do they have to be removed?
As a TD, I would make the player remove the cards from the deck for the remainder of the tournament, without being able to replace them. The Federation cards in a Borg deck are not simply useless; they are actually illegal, just as a Q-icon card would be illegal in your draw deck. If this forced his draw deck below 30 (not too likely for a mostly Borg deck), he has a completely illegal deck and cannot play. It is not fair to other players to allow him to change his deck by adding cards in the middle of the game.
However, practically speaking, if the illegal cards were discovered very early, perhaps on the first turn, and both the current opponent and the rest of the players agreed to allow it, I would probably let the player alter his deck right away. This would be if no substantial play had occurred yet, it could be done with a minimum of disruption, and I was convinced that it was a real misunderstanding on the part of the player, and not an attempt to cheat.
Jolan tru,
Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)
Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent
DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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