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Re: i should win,but i didn't win ... Major Rakal ... [3/ 6/00 08:02] |
>in a game i just encountered my own Q-dilemma and have already 65 points, that planet have 35 points so i have 100 points.
> >i used my own Q-dilemma because my oponent has no FCA on the table,so the only thing he can do is downloading brunt.i still win the game,but what i did not know he seeded 2 times writ off acc..But he still has a problem i destroyed all his outpost,so he can't report brunt to anywhere,what did he says :DEVIDEON DOOR BRUNT TO A PLANET.at that moment i lost the game,but after that he could't reveal a divideon door so the game ends with a draw >1-1 point 00-00 score. > >i was really confussed about that because i really should win the game. > > please comment > >dixidax > This is covered explicitly in the Current Rulings under tournament scoring. If both players do something that would cause each of them to forfeit the game, it is scored as a true tie. Each player gets 1 victory point and 0 differential. That is as "legal" as you can get--an official ruling. The way this actually *should* work is that both players *lose* the game (0 victory points and 0 differential). You ran afoul of his Writ of Accountability, and it says you lose for doing a Q-Bypass. He failed to show a Devidian Door, and it says *he* loses for not doing that. But it is impossible to score a game so that both players lose. Either there is a winner (1 or 2 victory points) and a loser (0 victory points), or there is a true tie (1-1, 0 differential). There is no other way to score the game, so the true tie was chosen as the correct way to score it. There is no reason for one player to "win" when both did something that explicitly causes them to lose. Jolan tru, Major Rakal (Kathy McCracken) Tal Shiar Agent and Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer
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