
Expect Major Improvement in the Level of Play at the Star Trek CCG World Championship
Over the past several months, some abusive strategies have surfaced in the Star Trek CCG. These strategies have centered around several key cards which accelerate the game to a point that is beyond the intended gameplay.
Decipherıs Game Management Authority and TCG Studio have determined that these strategies should not dominate the World Championship at DecipherCon. We would like to have a level playing field for this important event. To accomplish this, some drastic changes will be made. While we are committed to fixing these problems on a permanent basis once the World Championship is over, for the short-term we will implement the following gameplay changes (Note: This is for the World Championship ONLY).
The following cards will NOT be usable in the 2002 Star Trek World Championship (all three days):
Barzan Wormhole Ooby Dooby Revolving Door Rogue Borg Mercenaries Vic Fontaine
The following errata will be instated for play during the 2002 Star Trek World Championship (all three days):
Caretaker's Array Delete: "Once per turn, a ship with fewer than four staffing icons may report with crew here (limit 3 cards aboard)." (Other text remains; only the "report with crew" function is eliminated.)
After the World Championship, our rules committee will formulate a more permanent solution to these abusive strategies.
Thank you for bearing with us as we make the transition in to the Second Edition of the Star Trek CCG!
Dan Bojanowski Organized Play Coordinator - Decipher Director of the DGMA Tournaments@decipher.com
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