CRYSTALINE ENTITY: Issue # 7 (I think) By PDMD8 Welcome to my ST:CCG Magazine. Table of Contents: Survey Question Mail Responses Sample Deck Klngon Korner Federation Fanatic Neutral Zone (One neutral card is rated) Feature Article Classifieds Survey Question: What race is best and why. Combos are allowed, and if you have bought more than 40 packs, you should not respond. If you do, please include 3 sections, beginner (1 starter, lotsa commons), medium (1 starter, 20 packs) and advanced (1 box or more). My belief it Romulans, Klingons, Federation. Mail Response I would like to hear from all of my subscribers again because my list of them got trashed somehow. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sample deck: Unfortunately I do not have a different one. Send yours in to be posted next issue. Card sampling will be restricted to commons for all of you that can't afford rare ships. Which is better: The Vor'cha, The Galaxy, or the D'derix. What about neutrals. Husnock ship, Mercenary ship or Combat Vessel. Klingon Korner: I.K.C. Vor'cha Vor'cha Class C,S,S Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam RANGE 9 WEAPONS 8 SHIELDS 7 If you don't plan any combat, this is one of the best common ships. With an impressive range of nine, it can skip by three missions (with range of three ea.) Equipped with a cloaking device, this ship is useful for avoiding combat. The shields of seven are no match for either the D'Derix, or another Vor'cha. With a hefty crew requirement, most would say the K'vort is better because of its disposability and low command requirement. Rating 7/10 (highest range of all commons except the Romulan Scout) Romulan Roulette D'Derdix C,S,S Cloaking Device, Tractor beam RANGE 8 WEAPONS 9 SHIELDS 7 With many of the same attributes as the Vor'cha, its decreased range makes all of the difference. The weapons of nine are only useful against rare ships like the Qu'vat and the Yamato. Its weapons are utterly useles on a galaxy and wont make a difference against a Vor'cha. Rating 6/10 Federation Fanatic U.S.S. Galaxy Galaxy Class C,S,S Tractor beam, Holodeck RANGE 8 WEAPONS 7 SHIELDS 9 With shields like that who needs weapons? No one common ship can defeat it. In Fact, only the Future Enterprise and maybe the Ito vessel could single handedly defeat it. Oh whell, some say that power comes in numbers! It's low range is made up for by its high shields. It has a high crew requirement, bt that is no matter, it is the class the Enterprise is! Rating 6.5/10 Neutral zone Most neutral ships have low range (eg. Husnock ) and only one has above 7 ( the Combat vessel. It is nice to have the extra speed of the Combat vessel, but it has such bad shields that even a GALAXY could damage and destroy it. The Merc ship, on the other hand, has a captain (bouncing it up to 7/10/10) and cannot be damaged by a galaxy. The Husnock ship is a powerful ship, but lacks the needed speed for a ship of its size. It is good in fight situations, totally dusting a Yamato. The yridian shuttle shouldn't even have a capitol letter. Being 6/1/3 it has set its own standard of a low weapon mark. Never trust these! The Transports aren't as bad, but lack the range and weapons capability to be anything byt a minor hassle, even to a runabout. Feature Article: Star Trek vs WC or SW Have you ever wondered why fighters are so weak? It's because you are supposed to have a heck of a lot of them. To play this game, you need to know the conversions. Wc: add bomb and weapons to make new weapons. Shield is shield. Support is long range attack and Maneuver is range SW Hyperspeed is range, Armor or Maneuver is Shield and Power = Weapons. All references will be referred to star wars, if you have WC cards, you must use the same rules. Choose a Capship (or more) Use the rules on the card (ship docking capability = 1 x-tra ship + number of fighters it can carry (eg 4 TIES) You may use Star Trek cap ships and use the crew requirement for the number of fighters it can hold. Make a squadron of Star Trek ships (I don't know what # is fair for the other player). Combat precedes in this fashion: The player with the fighters chooses 2 to launch, or one Capship to move into position. The two fighters (ore one capship) will be attacked separately and will attack separately. Keep track of damage done to each ship. For fighter, if it equals or exceeds their shield value, they are destroyed. For cap ships, if it equals of exceeds double their shield value they are destroyed. The fighters attack indidivually and the capships fire back at the same time at EACH attacking Fighter. Whoever runs out of ships first wins. Optional: Range Each ship may move a number of inches equal to their range. Fighter weapons may fire up to 3" away. Capships and long range weapons may fire up to 5" away. No one has to move. They may only move in the direction they are facing and may only turn up to 90 degrees. Have fun with this variant (I did!) Classifieds I, Pdmd8, am looking for Kurak and for Tahsha-Alternate All other classifieds were lost. Disclaimer: Anyone who reads or sends anything in to this magazine cannot sue me or charge me with anything. I used Decipher things but this Magazine is a non-profit thing to enjoy. If you send anyone this file without the Disclaimer, you have taken into responsibility all they have done with the magazine. You may distribute Freely! Anything you send me becomes property of PDMD8. If you do not feel you want to comply with these instructions, please remove this off of your computer and DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.