My experiences. /txt ... Unimatrix Zero One ... 01.30-14:41
>There is the Lounge Lizard deck from WNOHGB, but other than that, I can't recall any tournament reports about how Vic is doing.
>Does anyone have a report or brief info about the performance of Vic at your tournaments or even just friendly games?

I've played aggressive Vic-oriented decks in one sanctioned tournament and one non-sanctioned round-robin "tournament." The sanctioned tournament writeup is in WNOGHB as you mentioned above. In some of the posts earlier on Vic topics, I shared my experiences in the non-sanctioned round-robin tournament (four players, three games). I'll go into a little more detail here.

Our local tournaments are held at a little place called Titan in Elizabethton, TN. Our play group is fairly small and we struggle to make sanctioning; this particular night (January 24), we had only six people. Two decided to play video games instead; the other four of us played round-robin. Please note that I didn't keep as careful notes as I usually do, so details are sketchy.

My deck was predicated on attempting my outpost (Mission II) mission with Giusti, Calloway, Sito Jaxa, Lightner, Vic Fontaine, and Dr. Telek R'Mor aboard a [univ] Galaxy. I got Vic out immediately by seeding Halkan Council, downloading I.S.S. Enterprise, seeding Holodeck Door on I.S.S. Constitution, and STP-ing the I.S.S. Enterprise and Holodeck Door back to hand, giving me a Holodeck Door to play to download Vic. ABT stops Vic; download Rev Door on opponent's STP. Ooby Dooby stops the 4 Youth personnel, draw 4 cards, Vic downloads Rev Door on opponent's TMW. Dr. R'Mor can't continue b/c he lacks the appropriate affiliation icon. STP-drop the I.S.S. Enterprise from hand with a whole bunch o' [AU] Fed peeps. [SD] an [MQ] Fed to try to draw out Containment Field if it's coming. Beam them all off and run one + Dr. R'Mor into a third self-seed to get Admiral Riker and set off the Riker [SD] Starship Enterprise [SD] McCoy [SD] Bricklayer dl Bashir [SD] Dom Perignon chain. If Containment Field is out, just go to a later link in the chain. Dom Perignon converts the [univ] Galaxy to the Future Enterprise, which has great RANGE to shuffle peeps around to planetside mission attempts (with Vic aboard in the Holodeck to power downloads as needed).

Game 1, I played against Joey. He was playing a DQ NA deck IIRC. I can't remember all the details, but what I do remember was Your Galaxy Is Impure + Dejaren. I wasn't stocking Borg Nanoprobes, and this combo just killed me. Literally killed my personnel. I didn't have enough Computer Skill personnel with high CUNNING to get past the maniacal hologram. Dejaren shut me out of two missions. This got me so flustered that I took an extra turn getting through a fourth mission when I didn't really need it, because I forgot that I had exceeded the 50 points needed to get past a Dead End on an otherwise cleared mission! IIRC, Joey went first in this game. I got bottled up on my first turn and couldn't finish a mission. On my second turn I completed my Horga'hn mission and took a second turn. On what I think was Joey's third turn he swept through two of my dilemma combos like they were butter -- by playing Small Oversight on my Cyrus Redblock. He scored 60 or 65 points, and I was not using In the Zone, so he got to count them all toward winning. My next turn, which I doubled with Horga'hn, I solved two more missions to win. Final score was 100-60 or 100-65. Memo to me: Stock Nanoprobes! Opponent's choice killer dilemmas are, well, killers! I believe the turns went like this: Joey, Chris, Joey, Chris, Chris (Horga'hn), Joey, Chris, Chris (Horga'hn).

Game 2, I played against Harvey. Harvey almost always plays AQ Klingons. The game's a blur in my memory. I think it took me four or five turns (including the two extra turns thanks to Horga'hn) to beat Harvey 100-0. Friendly Fire bought him some extra time at one mission (I think it was the one where my Horga'hn was seeded, unfortunately), and Chula: The Game did at another one.

Game 3, I played against Dan. Dan was trying to set up cargo runs, and his setup was just too slow to keep up with my deck's raw speed. The turns went: Chris, Dan, Chris, Chris (Horga'hn), at which time I had 100 points and the win. Dan never even got off the ground (he was about to pull down a ship with Gaila's [SD] to start his cargo run).

One very important note: Not one of these three opponents pulled out a Containment Field against me. I would've needed an extra 2-3 turns to build up the number of peeps I had out on turn 1 because I could [SD] with reckless abandon.
Unicomplex Computer Core


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