This is fine if you like to spend your game time on the seed phase. ... Jadon ... 01.28-21:58
Personally, I find the seed phase quite boring. And, (don't tell the Major this..) but in our local tournaments, most everyone seeds en masse just so we can get to the FUN part of the game.

Yeah, I know you're not supposed to do that, and I make sure they all know how to do it "correctly" so if they go to tournaments outside our area they don't embarass me. But the point is that the fun of the game comes in the player interaction. Blowing up ships in battle. Trying to sneak those last few points in before time is up. Assimilating your opponent's planet where an away team is stranded. Trying to get that crazy biology personnel over to your ship before Aphasia kills the crew. Stuff like that is what we play the game for.

If we want to play a game where you just slide things around for twenty minutes, we'll try checkers.

I know the counter argument already. "You want a Vic bullet so you can be a lazy seeder." Naw, I just want to be able to play. Vic is another lock-down deck... Locking you out of your Q-Tent, your TMW, and more than 1 or 2 turns.

It's a *2* player game.

Who vows not to discourage the local player base by trouncing them with a Vicazoid deck.


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