[10] ten |
Aefvadh! And welcome...to the Tal Shiar Barbershop.
It seems that in recent weeks, complaints have been abnormally high
about how supposedly inferior the Romulan affiliation is to the Klingons
and Feds. We won't deny that they are under-developed in comparison (and
we'd be more than happy to see a few green premium cards to go along
with the blue and red ones in the 2-Player Games), but we'd say they are
an even match in the hands of the right player.
In fact, the thought struck Mot that the way people are talking about
the Romulans, you'd think they were a "useless affiliation." Well, Mot
loves debunking the "useless card" adage, so he decided to devote a
Useless Card Review to Romulan superiority, which led, logically, to a
proposal of collaboration with the Major. We herewith present the first
joint venture of the Tal Shiar and the Barber's Guild,
On the average, the Romulans are every bit as strong as the Klingons.
(In fact, if you remove Fek'lhr from the equation, Romulans are actually
stronger!) They aren't lacking in CUNNING like
the rather dim Klingons, however. In fact, more Romulans have a CUNNING
of 8 or better than any other affiliation, at 55%. Klingons can only
muster a pathetic 9%, and even the Feds barely top 37%. The list of
cards requiring CUNNING or STRENGTH
is quite extensive, far longer than INTEGRITY.
(And that includes Shaka, When the Walls Fell.) Even Explore Typhone
Expanse, with a requirement of CUNNING greater
than 50, takes on average only 7 Romulans, but 9 or 10 Klingons. Or,
you can meet the alternative requirements with a lot fewer personnel;
the Romulans have a lot of...
The Romulans have the only 40 point mission that can be completed by
a single personnel (Quash Conspiracy), and two personnel capable of
completing it (Telak, Major Rakal). What's more, they have more high
point missions that can be completed by one or two personnel than any
other affiliation: Covert Installation, Explore Typhone Expanse, Extraction,
Investigate Raid, and Study Lonka Pulsar. Most of the high point missions
for the other affiliations have requirements in STRENGTH,
it necessary to have a lot more personnel. Get to those missions quickly
Not one Romulan ship has a RANGE of less than
8. Compare this to the Federation, loaded with 6's and 7's. And many
Romulan ships have a RANGE of 9 or better, but
only the Enterprise and Future Enterprise manage this for the Feds.
You can play missions with high ranges, and get around much faster than
the average Federation opponent, or even a Klingon player using K'Vorts
instead of Vor'chas. And to enhance your other ship stats, try...
The Romulans currently have five ships eligible
for Captain's Log benefits, complete with the captains to match.
(Devoras/Mendak, Haakona/Taris, Khazara/Toreth, Decius/Tomalak,
Terix/Sirol) That's more than any other affiliation. The Klingons and
the Federation only have four, and the Non-aligned personnel add only
three more. You're likely to have at least two matching Romulan pairs in
any Romulan deck you build, meaning it may be worth your while to
include the Captain's Log. You don't have to go out of your way to get
these benefits, as you might playing another affiliation. (When is the
last time you played with Kargan or Benjamin Maxwell?) Now that you have
your ships beefed up, try a little...
Only the Romulans have the ability to commit espionage on both the other
affiliations. At the same time, they're immune to having it done to
them. That means ultimately that ANY mission (except
Qualor II) is fair game for them if you are willing to include the cards.
Pick any one skill, and you'll easily find six missions for it if you
think in terms of espionage. A deck that tightly focused on one or two
skills will require fewer personnel, allowing room for the Espionage
cards (and the Q2s or Rishon Uxbridges to protect them). Of course,
with Espionage goes...
Even without Espionage, it's easy to build a tightly focused
Romulan deck, and the easiest skill to focus on is Treachery. 41% of
Romulans share this skill, which is required on 11 different Romulan
missions. This gives a greater skill requirement overlap than any other
affiliation. Even among those Honorable Klingons, only 36% have Honor--
and only 5 Klingon missions require it. You can easily build an all-
Treachery Romulan deck. What's more, you can get this kind of focus
The Romulans have 25 missions that can be done with all commons (the
occasional non-aligned included, like Vekor for Navigation), 19 of them
without holos. Only four are worth 25 points or less. 9 of the 25 require
only Treachery, Archaeology, and Computer Skill, all of which
are readily available with commons; in fact, Treachery/Archaeology decks
seem to appear quite frequently. While the Klingons have 31 missions
that could be done by all commons (29 without holos), there is no such
skill overlap, and 7 are worth 25 points or less. (I'm not counting
the use of K'chiQ here, because although she's common and universal,
you can only use one in an Away Team or crew, and she's too susceptible
to losing her man.) Feds have 24 missions that could be done by all
commons, but 4 of those require the non-universal Scotty, so you have
no backup for his crucial skills; and 8 are worth 25 points or less
(two are only 15 each). Again, there is no particular skill overlap.
An all-common deck means that a relative beginner with few cards can
still make a viable Romulan deck. It would be virtually immune to Klim
Dokachin, and with Lower Decks in play, not a single common Romulan
will die in a Firestorm or Thought Fire. Who needs Thermal Deflectors?
Of course, there are other dilemmas to consider, such as...
This could be one of the worst cards for the Romulans. It's also one
of the best, when you turn it against your opponent. Send a single personnel
on a Science Vessel out to a space location where an opponent's ship
(ideally one loaded with personnel) is parked. Attempt the mission there,
releasing a Quantum Singularity Lifeforms you yourself seeded there.
The presence of your Romulan warp core will put their entire crew into
stasis. You can keep them there most of the game while you attempt missions
with the rest of your personnel... or you can have an ENGINEER
accompany an armada and "help them out" by releasing their ship, into
a barrage of disruptor fire. And speaking of armadas, why not make it
Say "armada" and everyone thinks "Klingon". But you can also build a
respectable Romulan Armada with--don't laugh!-- Science Vessels. With
stats of 8-5-6 compared to the K'Vort's 8-6-6, they could use a little
Bynars help, but have no staffing requirements; lead the fleet
with an 8-7-6 single-staff-star T'Pau for flavor. How does this make
them superior, you ask? Just man your little ships with Galathons, blow
away your opponent's ships, and then hit them with Latinum Payoffs (since
Gally has Greed and is also OFFICER for a battle
leader). No one else has a universal Greedy OFFICER.
Of course, all those Galathons are actually good for something else,
too--the previously mentioned Treachery/Archaeology decks. And along
with that, he's useful for...
Make artifact acquisition difficult for your opponent, while being almost
certain to walk away with your own--and his too, if he has to leave
them behind for lack of Archaeology. It's a particularly effective strategy
against Feds, who have only 4 Archaeologists, all rare. Besides Galathon,
the Romulans have the common Taul, who is virtually certain to be in
most Romulan decks anyway, in multiple, for SECURITY,
plus the uncommon D'Tan and rare Taris...and they can use Galen as well.
There you have it, friends. What more reason could you need to switch to
the not-so-useless affiliation?
Jolan tru!
By: Kathy McCracken
Major Rakal (majorrakal@decipher.com)