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Romulan stuff ... CV. ... [3/11/99 01:06]
>My favortie affiliation is Romulan, i have the following rare/uncommon missions
>Investigate "Shattered Space"
> Investigate Raid
> Extraction
> Sarthong Plunder
> Security Briefing
> Investigate Coup
> Krios Suppression
> Restore Errant Moon
> Srategic Diversion
> Covert Rescue
> Expose Covert Supply
> Secret Salvage
> Plunder Site
>Patrol Neutral Zone
>what are the best romulan personnel overall and for these missions in particular. Non-aligned are welcome too. also, what are the best romulan ships?

Don't worry about missions overall, just pick a focus(Treachery, Treachery/Archeaology, or Astrophysics/Stel. Cart) and go from there. With your selection, a Treach or Treach/Arch focus seems to be your best bet. Best personnel over all are Sirol, Taris, Vakis, Telek R'Mor, Sisters of Duras, and Lovok.

Decent Romulan support personnel include:Tebok, Galathon, Taul, T'Rul, Vreenak, Tallera, Takket, and Rakal.

Good NA's for Rommies include:Dathon, N. Locarno, Galen, Lore, Vekor, Sharat, and Altovar.

Best ship:Terix. Excellent range and shields(with*out* requiring Tal Shiar or an AU personnel), and a downloadable captain who's possibly the best Rommie in the game(Sirol.) Sci. Vessels and the T'Pau are good as ferry vessels or for redshirting past annoyances like Borg Cubes and Cytherians.


Jolan tru,


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