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Re: Yet another rommie question (txt) ... Taibak ... [3/11/99 00:38]
>I already have a ton of cards from premiere, but no romulan rares, and was wondering what is the best expansion to buy for them?

Q-Continuum or Deep Space Nine. Q-Continuum had Sirol, the T'Pau, the Terix, Galen, Nick Locarno, and Taris - some of the best cards in the game for the Romulans. DS9 has the Cha'Joh and Vakis as its best offerings for Romulans. Ruwon and Sorus are okay, but Karina is only really useful if you're trying to pull off a three-man Naiskos.

Oh, as for the Romulan rares - don't worry about them. A lot of the best Romulans - Taibak, Tebok, Telak, Galathon, Taul, T'Rul, Takket, and Sirol - are commons or uncommons. The rare Romulans in Premiere included lousy personnel like Alidar Jarok. Even Sela and Tomalak aren't all they're cracked up to be.
>oh yeah, is the office of the proconsul all it's made up to be?
Let's put it like this, the Senators, Proconsuls, Selas, Tomalaks, Admirals, and Generals that can report there for free are:

Sela (easily replaced in most decks by the uncommon Sirol)
Tomalak (easily replaced by Sirol or Tebok, both uncommons, or downloaded via Ready Room Door to the D'Deridex or Decius)
Mover (just don't even bother)
Alidar Jarok (not worth using)
Neral (not worth using)
Pardek (better than Neral, but easily replaced by Sirol, Dathon, or Vreenak)
Senator Vreenak (really the only one here worth considering, but I find his lack of Teachery to be a major liability).

Plus, the Romulans probably won't need to use HQ: Secure Homeworld since they already have plenty of great Treachery missions, HQ: War Room since they already tend to have fairly high CUNNING and STRENGTH (and Disruptors can easily fix the STRENGTH problem - and pass some evil dilemmas along the way), or HQ: Return Orb To Bajor since they don't have the Orb icons. HQ: Defensive Measure is only liable to show up in a Tal Shiar heavy battle deck.

In other words, the Office Of The Proconsul isn't that great.




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