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Re: Re: Empok Nor Q ... Major Rakal ... [5/ 5/99 20:51]
>>I tried to ask this yesterday but I had ISP problems so I don't think it ever got up.
>>My question:
>>When do you face any dilemma at empok nor? When you dock, or when you announce a commendeering attempt in ops?
>According to the Dominion Rules Supplement, when you announce a comandeering attempt. It works just like missions.
>>Also can you red shirt? Send a guy to ops without computer skill to try to commendeer and face the dilemmas, then once they are clear bring in someone else who has computer skill?
>I think you need Computer Skill. The wording on Ops implies that you need it to attempt to commandeer, not just to attempt.

No, this is not correct. Again, it works just like a mission attempt. You clear the dilemmas with any Away Team you want. As stated in the rules sheet, "Once there are no longer any dilemmas to be encountered, any player's Away Team may commandeer Empok Nor normally."

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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