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K'chiQ/STA Deck
by Rom Here's a guide to a fast Klingon mission solving deck. It starts with 2 key personnel: K'chiQ x4 K'chiQ is, quite simply, the best personnel in the game. Between her skill selection and the STAs' classifications, you should be able to beat almost any dilemma. If you report K'chiQ with Cybernetics, you can play the androids for free. Just change her skill when you need it for a mission attempt. With all those androids, we'd better add: Dr. Soong Since I only have one copy, I'll put him in my Q's Tent. Since we're reporting personnel for free, let's use some of the best personnel at the Klingons' Headquarters: Duras They have a good variety of skills, including Geology, Diplomacy, SECURITY, and MEDICAL. All those free personnel leaves our card play for Ships and card drawing effects. Maybe we should stop and look at some missions before we go too far. Of course, we need the Klingon Homeworld for the Headquarters. HQ: Secure Homeworld will let us solve that with skills that are readily available/selectable, and 31 STRENGTH is easy with 10 STRENGTH Androids. Looking at other mission, it's best to select ones that require classifications, since the Androids can contribute the most to those. This is what I used: Expose Covert Supply (Qo'noS) The last mission is really just there for fun. For some odd reason, it makes some opponents paranoid of Wormholes. That can give you a few turns to start solving missions before the opponent even tries to move. Remember, this is a speed mission solving deck; anything to slow the opponent down gives you an advantage. What other personnel are good for this deck? Kitrik Another source of Cybernetics, as well as SCIENCE, MEDICAL and Exobiology. He's a great personnel for beating dilemmas. Let's add Assign Mission Specialists, too. That way we can "seed" a male Klingon, so we can report K'chiQ first turn. Gorath Both of their skills can be used for bonus points at missions, too. Gorath also reports free at the HQ, in case he dies and you Regenerate him.
Suna Suna has MEDICAL and SECURITY, which help with almost everything, his low INTEGRITY can help with Drumhead and In the Pale Moonlight, and add a Reflection Therapy to the Tent in case you need to select more skills. Altovar has Empathy and Exobiology, since Cardassian Trap and Odo's Cousin are very popular where I play. Again, extra MEDICAL never hurts. What does the deck need besides personnel? Scans would be good, so we know what skills to select. They are not necessary, but can really speed up the deck. We won't have to get stopped by a dilemma and wait until next turn to reprogram. Full Planet Scan x2 And let's put an extra Full Planet Scan in the Tent, just in case. We need ships. I.K.C. K'Vort x3 Those are good ships, with 8 RANGE and minimal staffing. However, they don't like Borg Ship dilemmas very much, and I don't like Sheliak, so let's add: Temporal Vortex x2 And, of course, Q's Tent x5 Now, this deck has the ability to play 2 or 3 cards a turn, with Cybernetics, the HQ and the interrupts. How do you draw all those cards? Kivas Fajo - Collector x3 Masaka is great here, since you have a lot of cards just to react to certain dilemmas. And you can always Masaka away extra K'chiQ's or extra ships and get more useful personnel. Even Q's Tents are not that essential in this deck, so you can get rid of them for something else. The idea is that if you fly thru the deck, you will end up drawing exactly what you need at the right time. Since you're drawing lots of cards, you should be faster than your opponent. Of course, it never hurts to stop your opponent's Masakas, Fajos, Travelers, etc. Not to mention Distortion Field, Bynars, Captain's Logs, Q-Net, and other annoyances. That means: Kevin Uxbridge x3 On to the seed deck. What do we need so far? The Great Hall To counter card drawing, let's seed Reactor Overload And you can always flip up Overload on your own Outpost simply to return it to hand and get an extra Masaka card. It also stops opponent's Androids at your HQ. Quark's Isolinear Rods There are useful to counter Scanner Interference. Quark is also an emergency source of Leadership for HQ Secure Homeworld. Again, you can drop him with the Masaka trick if you're desperate. Let's really break this Masaka card. Examine Singularity (seeded) You can download a card to hand every turn, and when you Masaka, you'll have that many extra draws. Deactivation and Bajoran Wormhole are also good counters for Red Alert and Aid Fugitives. Three final seeds, just to finish the theme of drawing exactly what we need at the right moment: Betazed Gift Box x2 That leaves room for 17 dilemmas. That's five 3-card combos and a 2-card combo: Friendly Fire At worst, Dead End is placed alone under a mission against Empok Nor decks. That's OK, you should be fast enough that the opponent won't have time to score 50 points. For the other 15 dilemmas, choose cards that slow down the opponent, rely on your speed to solve missions before they can gather the right skills for dilemmas. I'll leave those up to you, since it depends on who you usually play against and what skills tend to be missing from their decks. What else is in the Q's Tent? I always recommend Regenerate And a few other cards: Palor Toff Let's add 2 last cards to the draw deck: Regenerate (just in case) So what's missing? Battle Bridge. In short, you don't need it. It wouldn't make much of a difference anyway, with only three small ships. And you can avoid combat by cloaking. You should not need to battle. I have found that sometimes just using Spacedoor for three early ships (with Examine Singularity cards reopening the door) might cause your opponent to panic and try to avoid you! My Klingon decks have quite a reputation. :) There are also no hand weapons in the deck, but that's OK since you can play a lot of strong personnel for free. That's enough to hold off early attacks; there should not be time for late attacks. Sure, the draw deck is a little large, but you go thru it quickly. Remember to download the Examine Singularity cards. If you don't have a use for your card play, don't play an extra personnel you can play for free next turn. Instead, Spacedoor for another ship; that way you don't end up drawing it later. Strategy is simple. Draw cards, play personnel for free, beat missions. Get a BGB as soon as you can, so you can be sure to have a Q's Tent for Soong (if you even need him), another scan, and whatever else. You don't need to wait for scans, since the deck can rebuild quickly. Just don't hit something catastrophic, like Barclay's or No Loose Ends. And watch out for Sheliak at your outpost. If your opponent has a fast deck too, just forget the second mission and go for a Colony, using K'chiQ and CIVILIAN Androids to rack up the points. Anyone should have the resources to build this deck, since it's mostly common/uncommon. The rare Klingons and missions should be easy to acquire. If you don't have two Regenerates, you can change the one in the deck for another Palor Toff. Dr. Soong is the only card that might be difficult to get, but he is certainly not the most popular card from the Fajo Collection. If you really can't locate a Soong, I suggest using a few extra Space-Time Portals. Just pull the Androids back to your hand and use your Cybernetics to quickly play them again with different skills. Long Live the Empire! Chris "Rom" Brennan