[Siskoid's Rolodex offers spot reviews of all the cards judging them by their less tangible qualities, searching for the elusive perfect card: their picture/graphics, lore, Trek sense and stockability. Each on 5 points (so on a total of 20). Mondays, I do Premiere. Tuesdays, AU. Wednesdays, Q-Continuum. Thursdays, First Contact. Fridays, DS9. Saturdays, The Dominion. And Sundays, Premium cards. Comments always welcome.]
#141-B'Etor, Personnel, Klingon
"Plotted with Lursa to seize power from Gowron with the support of the Romulans. Younger of the two Duras siters. The pretty one."
-VIP, Treachery, Leadership, Physics, Youth, Greed, Command icon
PICTURE: The pretty one indeed, and while I appreciate the beauty of this particular Klingon female (oh, get your minds outta the gutter) and the way she and Lursa are similarly positioned, the pic's pretty straightforward and boring. A 3.2.
LORE: Not much here to cheer about. The first two sentences are fairly unimaginative. The last is cute and perhaps a bit rude to Lursa. But you have to admit... a 3.1.
TREK SENSE: As a member of the House of Duras, she's a VIP alright. The command icon is there because she and Lursa are the heads of the house. The skills: Treachery is a given among these traitors to the Empire; Leadership is just like the command icon; Youth because she is the "younger" of the two sisters; Greed fits in well with the power-hungry women; Physics... Physics? I imagine this has something to do with the events of "Past Prologue" from which the mission Acquire Illicit Explosives is taken. If these explosives require Physics to transport (probably unstable), then it goes to reason that one of the Duras sisters has that skill. The attributes are fine, with the Integrity being naturally low, the Cunning high (oh, these plans they hatch) and the Strength Klingon. A lot of sense all around. A 4.6.
STOCKABILITY: One of the few Klingons with five skills and a female to boot, she'll find her way into a number of Klingon decks. Of course, her skills aren't all useful for mission solving, and Physics can't even get you through any dilemmas yet. At least her Leadership lets you attack with her. And she is a matching commander for the Cha'Joh. Bring Lursa in, and you get double matching commander bonuses on that ship, and you can swap the two sisters for their dual-personnel card version. More on that when I actually go through Sisters of Duras, but I'll give you this tip: go through dilemmas with the sisters separated, but join them together for personnel battles. A good personnel that scores a 3.7.
TOTAL: 14.6 (73%) Not bad at all, not bad at all.
Adapt: Negate Obstruction - 18.4 (92%)
Assimilate Homeworld - 17.33 (86.67%)
Anti-Matter Spread - 14.8 (74%)
Captain's Log - 14.8 (74%)
Assimilation Tubules - 14.7% (73.5%)
Barclay's Transporter Pobia - 14.7 (73.5%)
Android Nightmares - 14.6 (73%)
B'Etor - 14.6 (73%)
Aldebaran Serpent - 14.5 (72.5%)
Admiral Leyton - 14.3 (71.5%)
Abandon Ship! - 14.2 (71%)
Assimilation Table - 14.2 (71%)
Assault Vessel - 14.1 (71%)
Brainwash - 14.1 (70.5%)
Wormhole - 14.1 (70.5%)
Zibalian Transport - 7.1 (35.5%)
Door to the Fajo Collection - 3.47 (17.35%)
Siskoid (not bad himself)