card strategy

Admiral Leyton
By Evan Lorentz

Admiral Leyton provides all the various bonuses of being a V.I.P. while still giving you a personnel type vital to overcoming dilemmas, SECURITY. His Leadership can enable battling for you, by way of his special skill to allow all cards at his location to battle Dominion personnel. It's topped off with Treachery, though not a generally favored skill for the Federation, can make Leyton a great help to an Espionage deck.


Admiral Leyton + Office of the President: Leyton reports free to the Federation Headquarters, particularly useful since you're more likely to find a Leyton Founder to expose there that anywhere else.

Admiral Leyton + Incoming Message: Attack Authorization: You can either use this card to your advantage (with Leyton's Treachery) or ignore it if your opponent uses it on you (with his V.I.P.) as you see fit.


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