>Ok, used this strategy last week in a game and it was a killer which took out a future enterprise with a 20-30 man crew, Kurlan Naiskos, and ship enhancements out the in one fell swoop. Here's what I did:
>I got a Gaps in Normal Space and placed it between two missions, effectively creating a spaceline location with a span of 4. I then slapped a subspace warp rift on top of it (as it is a location on the spaceline) so they would either stop and lose a guy or take damage, then deal with any number of my borg ship dilemmas. (This took a few turns BTW) So, of course, rather than take damage, he stops and loses one of his 20-30 crew...no big loss right? But what he didn't count on was what I did then. I Uxbridged my own Gaps in Normal Space. The location went poof, so did the Enterprise and everyone there, including the rift.....
>I need to know if this is all nice and legal, because if it is....it's earning a nice place permanently in my deck.....
Sorry, no. See the Glossary. If the Gaps card is Kevined, the player who played the Kevin relocates the ship to the location on either side. The Subspace Warp Rift *does* get discarded, but not the ship. That's just too easy.
Jolan tru,
Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)
Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent
DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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