>>>>2. Anti-Time Anamoly is set to expire at the end of my turn and my opponent just drew a Kevin Uxbridge at the end of his turn. On my turn, I choose to do nothing and draw my cards ending my turn, does my opponent get an opportunity to play the KU to nullify the ATA? Or is it that drawing my cards to end my turn is my only action for my turn. His argument is that "passing" (not playing a card or executing orders) is an action.
>>>It's your turn and you may do the first action. You can choose as your first action to let the ATA go off (BTW this happens *before* you draw). Of course you can't do anything else that turn (except any other "end of turn" actions) but draw you card.
>My opponent can't nullify the ATA since he drew it on his turn and I did nothing (BTW, ATA is a automatic action, not a player action. My action was to play it, it's expiring requires no action on my part.) he doesn't get a chance to play his card, or is passing an action. Please answer this, you did not the first time.
"Passing" is not an action. When you have an opportunity to take an action, you may do so, or pass. If there are no other actions that must occur on your turn, and you do not play a card or execute orders, but just end your turn, the ATA resolves without your opponent being able to nullify it.
Jolan tru,
Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)
Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent
DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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