Space-Time Portal
by Sirna Kolrami

I've always liked the look of doorways and this one looks great! Space-Time Portal [STP - not to be confused with the fuel additive or music group] is the Swiss Army Knife of the STCCG world.

In sealed deck it's uses are incredible important and useful. First is allows AU cards to be played and more importantly seeded. This means that the AU booster you get in you sealed deck box will not be full of cards that you can not use. STP also allows you to try and play with a wormhole you got in one of your boosters with out worrying that you will never draw two of them together. Also, if you crew takes some big hits on the last ship that is in your deck you can always use STP to bring back the ship to your hand and start over [but more on that latter].

In constructed deck it's uses start to be that more fun. You say you have no AU cards in your deck [Borg] but a few AU dilemmas? Well, use STP instead of an AU Door to allow you to seed those AU dilemmas and use the other abilities of the STP latter.

Discarding the STP to download an AU Door makes it so that all the other affiliation can practically have there own Six of Eleven [Quantum Drone]. The AU Door can be used for so much such as getting rid of Revolving Doors, getting a ship through a Q-Net or allowing some relief from Temporal Rifts. Since you can discard STP at any time [your opponent's turn] to download an AU Door you can play that AU Door right when you Download it.

Speaking of Temporal Rifts, doesn't it make you mad when you have an AU Door in hand but can only play it on your turn? Well, if you have STP on the table you can discard it at any time to get rid of that pesky rift. This helps heaps against Patrol Neutral Zone decks that rely on putting your ship in a temporal rift on their turns and solving PNZ for big points while you just watch.

It's ability to be discarded to play like a second Wormhole is one reason this card is the Swiss Army Knife of STCCG. If you are playing a deck that relies on sending your opponent's ships to the Montana Missile Complex [or to your awaiting armada of hostile ships] not having two Wormholes in your hand can be trouble. But it is even worse is when your second Wormhole gets hit by an Amanda Rogers! Well, with STP you don't have to worry because it is already on the table.

Montana Missile Complex can be a pain but STP can make playing against a wormholing opponent easier. Instead of leaving your ship trapped in Montana you can use STP to bring the ship AND it's crew back to your hand. This ability also helps when your ship is infected with REM Sleep or Cythrians or Tsiolkovsky Infection or Theda Radiation Poisoning or just in plain trouble [i.e. an imposing armada or Eliminate Starship driven Borg Cube]. This tactic can be used in so many game instances that it is outragous.

It's last ability [yes, you can do even more with this card] is to once per game report an AU ship with crew [provided all are AU as well]. Talk about a jump start. Imagine dropping a fast Decius or Enterprise - C and crew! Wow! I will take that!

Great stuff from a great looking card!

Questions? Comments? Email Sirna Kolrami or visit his site.