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The Jem'Hadar(TXT)-more like an article than anything ... Sonny ... [3/21/99 16:17]
I don't know about you but the Dominion is quickly becoming my favorite affiliation. Why? not because of the founders and their infiltrating abilities but because of the Jem'Hadar. Consider this I have always played the Federation and one cannot make it a rule to constantly get into away team battles with them. It seems like every has a higher strength then the Feds with the exceptions of Worf and Data but what good are they when the rest of the crew are dead. So when the Dominion came out I did not expect for any change in the way I play and certainly not the affliation I play with. Then it dawned on me that the Jem'Hadar are some mean guys, think about it two personell with strength of 11 five with the strength of 10 six with a strength of 9 and three with a strength of 8. 8 the lowest strngth of them, that means the sickliest, weakest, most pathetic jem'hadar could snap the average universal starfleet security personell like a twig. Imagine what these guys must bench press it's scary, it really is. Know granted that they are addicted to the white but who cares look what they can do to the average opposing away team, any away team no one is safe, Klingons, Romulans, Federation, cardassian, Bajoran, Borg it doesn't matter the Jem'Hadar don't discrimanate they kill them all. And if you think I forgot about them commiting suicide when one of your founders dies where they are present do the right thing keep your Jem'Hadar and your Founders seperate the Founders have enough cards to fend for them selves, strike three comes to mind as does you dirty rat. And the Vorta that you assign to your Jem'Hadar rarely get a chance to fight any way and when they do they are usaully just stunned and will recover. So next time your away team are all bleeding and broken (figarativly speaking) just remember the guys they are up against are the Jem'Hadar a group that has more integrity than the Federation, more smarts than a barrel full of klingons, more strength than the Romulans and Cardassians, and better looking than Bajorans (okay so the last one definatly isn't true, but I had to put the Bajorans in there some where).-Sonny


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