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Re: have dominion decks been proven effective? andwhatar thereweak/strongpoints ... Taibak ... [3/18/99 20:46]
>have dominion decks been proven effective? andwhatar thereweak/strongpoints

Personally, I'm a big fan of the Dominion, they're probably one of my favorite affiliations. They are very strong in battle and surprisingly strong in missions. Invasive Beam-In and the insane STRENGTH of the Jem'Hadar make them a force to be reckoned with in personnel battles. They do all right in ship battles, but I don't think they can seriously challenge a dedicated Bajoran or Klingon fleet in that respect, mostly because of the White addiction (although Weyoun, Kilana, Founder Leader, Lovok Founder, Kira Founder, and Leyton Founder can make up for that). For missions, you have basically two options. You can either stay in the Gamma Quadrant and use Subjugate Planet on everything in sight, or you can invade the Alpha Quadrant. If you invade, don't overlook Construct Depot. It can't be stolen, is fairly easy for the Jem'Hadar to complete, gets you a free facility, and - most importantly - gets you White. If you do invade, I reccomend keeping a mission or two in the Gamma Quadrant to give you something to do in case you don't draw the Bajoran Wormhole.

For some more uniquely Dominion advantages, check out the Jem'Hadar Birthing Chamber and Young Jem'Hadar. While it seems inefficient, it's actually a very fast way to get Jem'Hadar out quickly (espescially if you seed it) and essential for getting troops reliably in the Alpha Quadrant. Also, don't overlook the fact that the Primary Supply Depot lets you seed equipment. White is a must to seed, but Medical Kits, Science Kits, and Birthing Chambers are also great choices. Also, Subjugate Planet gives you access to any planet mission in the game (not to mention another Depot and White). Even Diplomatic Conference's whopping 60 points is easy prey - the required STRENGTH > 120 is surprisingly easy for your Jem'Hadar.

The Dominion does have their weakness though. Their biggest is their astonishing lack of MEDICAL. In short, if you have Eris, use two or three of her. Borath is another personnel you should definately include if you have him. Also, there is one key skill that the Dominion can not get without turning to Alpha Quadrant personnel, Empathy. However, I find that the Dominion can easily work around these. Remember, the Jem'Hadar are bred to be expendable. Don't be afraid to throw them away in redshirting attempts. The Dominion is also short on mission variety, fortunately Construct Depot and Subjugate Planet are great ways around this.



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