What is the key to every deck? Getting your Ore Processing going quickly? Getting your armada up and running? Quickly setting up a Colony? Well, that's the easy part. That's what everyone focuses on in a deck, too. But you're not done yet. Far from it. Your deck will fail miserably if you don't pay any attention to...

The Seed Phase

Various Seeding Strategies

A lot of the newer players, and a few of the intermediate ones, seem to overlook this phase, which is the most critical one. Most of the advanced players spend more of their time on the seed phase than their draw deck.

Why, though? A bad seed phase is far worse than a bad draw deck, in my experience. All decks, even the most elementary, can complete their missions in a couple of turns max. Essentially, your dilemmas are your first and last line of defense. Not only that, but it can often tell your opponent just what kind of deck you're using. Or, at least, it will make your opponent think you're using a certain kind of deck...

So the seed phase can be useful for purposes other than seeding dilemmas. It can have a profound impact on how and where your opponent seeds his dilemmas, and even how he plays the game. That's what I like about this game - sometimes you can win by doing virtually nothing. :-)

Jolan tru,
Alidar Jarok