card strategy

Chula: The Dice
By Kathy McCracken

This interesting wall dilemma requires you to put three personnel at risk for the next dilemma, and for every affiliation at least one of them will be difficult to come by and too valuable to lose. INTEGRITY >6 will be hardest for the Romulans (and not too easy for the Dominion or Cardassians), Klingons will have trouble with CUNNING >7, and STRENGTH >8 will be the Achilles' Heel of the Federation and Bajorans.

Some ingenuity (or an Adapt card) may be required for the Borg to pass it, as all native attributes of drones are either 5 or 7. If you don't have a card like Lower Decks or Yellow Alert, you may be forced to risk the Borg Queen or a counterpart to get CUNNING >7. (The Unity Drone does not affect individual CUNNING, so he can't help.)


Chula: The Dice + Yuta: A good memory may let you pick off one of the three high-attribute personnel.

Chula: The Dice + Make Us Go + Armus - Sticky Situation: Unless your CUNNING >7 happened to have Diplomacy as well, Armus will kill your strong man.


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