(response) ... The Ninja Scot ... 07.15-13:12

1 Ferengi infestation

Takes 7 people to pass, isn't that difficult.
>2 Odo's cousin , Aggressive behaviour

Odo's Cousin is fodder to Bajorans, Vidiians, Feds and anyone using The Albino and with Bricklayer, getting a Geology personnel has never been easier. Dr. McCoy with a Officer can pass alone.

Aggressive Behavior: Melts to Chakotay. Anyone with Anthropology in a space mission attempt will most likely have Leadership, if not a second Anthropology. And it's not that hard to have 35 in any attribute.
>3 Hannonian land eel
Security and Science are no-brainers for initial mission attempting, but the Strength > 50 is more difficult. Of course, if you play against someone using Penk and the Pendari Champ, that's 20 Strength right there (Or an AQ equivalent of Anya/Salia's 17 Strength respectively) so it's not that much of a slowdown, one turn at most. Besides, people are using hand weapons on planets anyway (Denevan Neural Parasites being the annoying bugger it is)

>4 berserk changeling, Dangerous liaisons, Shaka, Implication, Scientific method
Beserk is easy. Hand weapons are increasingly common, Bajorans can solve with Mora Pol by himself, the Dominion are never lacking on Security, Penk/the Pendari Champion is two Security right there and for the Dominion who are never lacking in the Security department, just send down only changelings. No target to kill, dilemma fizzles.

Dangerous Liasons is easy. Ty Kajada via ASP, done. Penk and any Treachery, done. Heck, between AMS, ASP, DH, TMW and QIR, not to mention your card play, it'd be pretty difficult for someone not to have enough Science and Security on turn 1.

Implication: More people are stocking Law thanks to this dilemma since not everyone wants to be out 3 Diplomacy in case the following dilemmas cut them out. Take your pick of people: Tuvok, Magistrate Drang, Nimira, Cretak, Weyoun, Odo, etc. Implication only works if they don't get Law or Diplomacy x3 out fast enough.

Scientific Method: More effective than Dangerous Liasons although again, suffers from the same problems. Also McCoy nullifies it.

>5 none shall pass , Flaxian Assassin

None Shall Pass: Chakotay can pass by himself, people are likely to attempt planets with Strength > 53 (after all, they needed 51 to pass Land Eel, what's a few more Strength), same goes for people needing more Diplomacy to pass your Diplomacy x3 requirement.

Flaxian: I send down my AMS and ASP personnel, your dilemma goes away. Everyone that I've seen play will have at least two Security and Biology out on turn 1 via the above methods, even without Aphasia/TPS being a valid combo. Flaxian just doesn't have enough strength for a wall.

Founder Secret however is more effective than a few of these for a variety of reasons:

Since people are playing more DQ-based decks, less chance of the Dominion making their presense known and therefore, less Changelings.

As for the Tricorder out, as far as DQ personnel go, there's very few people that could download a Tricorder, giving you the Cunning > 40 out. The only ones that come to mind are the Kazon who can download any Engineering-related equipment and Samantha Wildman who can download any Science-related equipment. Kazon aren't played that often and Wildman isn't all that good to quite a few people.

Which leaves you with the Strength > 70 option, which is far more difficult to overcome in a hurry.

But that's just me,


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