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Combos for you ... Qume ... [3/10/99 22:02]
In space, Lack of Preparation + Borg Ship is probably the best two-card combo in the game. You can then add Maglock or some other wall.

On planets, I like Lack of Preparation + Chula: The Chandra + The Sheliak + Q. Common Thief + Flaxian Assassin + Odo's "Cousin" is also very hard to pass.

My favorite planet/space combo is Common Thief + Yuta + Berserk Changeling.

>it would be very helpful for you on the board to help me with some good dilemma combos.(don't worrie about giving your secret combo away I live in Casper Wyoming so I probly won't play you)
>also I like playing the borg and have all the borg cards any pointers on a deck would be grateful.
>thank you from the bottom of my heart,
>The Dominion
>a.k.a. Will



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