>How's this for some dillema combos?
>Lack of Prep
>Borg Ship
>Scout Encounter
>Quantam Singularity Lifeforms
Can be easily red-shirted. Should put a wall at the end.
>Common Thief
>Berserk Changeling
Know your Yuta numbers for SECURITY?
>Common Thief
>Bererk Changeling
>Hippocratic Oath
>Common Thief
>Barcleys Protomorphosis Disease
I'd put a wall after BPD.
>Lack of Preperation
>Founder secret
>Magic Carpet Ride
Swap LoP for Crisis to insure a ship.
>Also does any one have ideas on how to mix them up if I come acroos a 6 space, or a 6 planet, or a Borg deck?
For unbalanced space lines put a Balancing Act in your Q-Tent for a Q's Planet. Or you could try a Q-Flash with I Tried To Warn You. Mixing them won't really work. Best you can do is mis-seed under universal missions that you can steal, and spread out your walls as much as possible. As for Borg it looks good. You don't have any dilemmas that would invalidate Borg as a target.
Ssuej-d'ifu. Romulus.