The Cardassian Affiliation

The Cardassians have been a long-time nemesis of the Federation - in particular, Benjamin Sisko and the rest of the crew at Deep Space 9. And everybody knows how much they are hated by the Bajorans. But what else do we know about the Cardassian Union? How will they affect play in the Star Trek Customizable Card Game universe as an affiliation? Well, they're sneaky, they're strong and they have a burning desire to regain control of Terok Nor. Just ask Gul Dukat.

What's up with the Cardassians?
Sure, the Cardassians have some relatively strong ships, and their personnel are strong and cunning, but what kinds of things can they do? There are several new strategies and deck archetypes available in Deep Space Nine to coax you into trying a Cardassian deck in the next tournament.

One obvious benefit a Cardassian deck will have is the ability to use multiple mining stations ("Nors"). After all, they did build Terok Nor in the first place. No other affiliation currently has the ability to have more than one space station in play. And just because the Bajorans have been worshipping the Prophets in the Celestial Temple for centuries, don't count out the Cardassians' ability to use the Orbs. They are in possession of some of them even now, and have been studying the mysterious devices for some time.

The Cardassians, who have a strong military leadership, are aggressive and ambitious. They share traits with the Romulans and Klingons in that they typically have pretty good cunning and strength. In fact, the Cardassians have had a successful relationship with the Romulans over the years, and you'll see a few similarities between the two affiliations in several new cards. Can you say "Obsidian Order?" But not all Cardassians are bent on war and revenge. Several personnel, such as Tekeny Ghemor and Natima Lang, show the better side of our Alpha Quadrant brethren. Even Dukat has the means to better himself in this set.

What's Cool
The Bajorans have Deep Space 9? Fine. The Cardassians have Terok Nor and another universal Nor station. What's the big deal about that? Two words: Process Ore. This is a cool new objective that gives the Cardassian player a great deck manipulation resource. And unless allied with the Cardassians, other affiliations can't do it (the Federation and Bajorans can't do it at all).

The Cardassians have some other tricks up their sleeves as well. Garak's Tailor Shop, one of the new Site cards that can be played on Deep Space 9 or Terok Nor, gives Obsidian Order personnel some unique capabilities. And since the Cardassians have more of the new Law skill than any other affiliation, they will make excellent use of the Extradition dilemma.

In addition, the Cardassians have Gamma Quadrant missions they can attempt, and with their Plans of the Obsidian Order objective, they can build an espionage deck that's effective against almost any opponent's deck. There is a mission designed to be a perfect fit for a Cardassian/Romulan treaty deck, and you also get three missions in the new Cardassia Region. And although the Bajorans may get an advantage by seeding Deep Space 9 first, they had better be careful of that Automated Security System (which conveniently does not harm Cardassians!).

Of course there are many great Cardassian personnel to use, from Dukat to Entek to the sinister Enabran Tain.

Hot Cards
There are certainly other cards that will compete for a slot in your Cardassian deck. Here are a few to think about while waiting to get started collecting the Deep Space 9 set. Keep an eye on the Approaching Deep Space Nine area of our web site to see if any of them are previewed!

Cardassian personnel with another new skill.
Elim Garak
A Cardassian with a very "elusive" skill.
Fightin' Words
A Q-dilemma that just begs for battle.
A universal ship with good stats and easy staffing requirements.
Dukat's freighter that will rock with System 5 Disruptors.
HQ: Defensive Measures
Initiate battle against your opponent when they least expect it.
Orb Experience
Interrupt that allows you to look at literally any card in the game.
Recruit Mercenaries
An event with a treacherous spin.

By: Tim Ellington
Game Designer
Star Trek Customizable Card Game
date: 01 July, 1998




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