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Siskoid's Rolodex #444 ... Siskoid ... [2/ 2/00 11:30] |
[Siskoid's Rolodex offers spot reviews of all the cards judging them by their less tangible qualities, searching for the elusive perfect card: their picture/graphics, lore, Trek sense and stockability. Each on 5 points (so on a total of 20). I successively do Premiere, Alternate Universe, Q-Continuum, First Contact, Deep Space 9, The Dominion, Blaze of Glory and finally some Premium card. Comments always welcome.]
With 443 being Tuesday's card, and this one being today's, I'm all caught up. Resuming pace of one card a day tomorrow. :-) #444-Gowron of Borg, Personnel, Borg, AU, Premium "Assimilated counterpart who spoke to the Empire in a parallel universe. 'The knowlege and experience of the Klingon - Gowron - is part of us now.'" -Communications/Navigation/Defence; VIP, Leadership x2, Diplomacy, Honor; Once per game, allows his hive to initiate battle; While on your ship, WEAPONS and SHIELDS +4 against [Kli] -INTEGRITY: 8, CUNNING: 7, STRENGTH: 12 PICTURE: Okay, first, the greenish gray background has gotta go. Some Borg cube ramparts would have been way better on the CGI counterparts. As for the manipulated image of Gowron, it's okay. The facial hair remains for some reason, but the long locks are gone. The laser is point blank towards us (since Gowron is as confrontational as they get) and looks more real than many of the others. The leather suit looks more like something Micheal Jackson might have worn tahn any kind of Borg exoskeleton. At least the distinctive eyes were assimilated into the Collective. Is that bad CGI on where the hair used to be on the head? Odd color, is all. All in all a good effort at 3.4. LORE: Same old, same old. All the counterparts have this formula (taken from Locutus) and a terrible name. Gowron of Borg? It wasn't Picard of Borg was it? A Klingon "communicator" name would have been cool, but may not exist ;-). A total of 2.9 here. TREK SENSE: If, indeed, in an alternate universe, the Borg overran the Alpha quadrant, they could indeed have assimilated the Klingon Empire (though I'm sure it wasn't easy). Fun extrapolation, like the others. So it's basically Gowron himself, with all his skills and attributes, plus a Strength boost from the Borg implants. Since he knows everything about his Empire's military and technological capabilities, he boosts a ship's Weapons and Shields against Klingon ship. Everything thus far mimics Locutus' abilities. Add to that the usual 3 subcommands available to a Counterpart (remember, Locutus had access to them all as Data discovered). Then, there's that unique ability to allow his hive to initiate battle. If the Borg indeed add the distinctiveness of a people to their Collective, then it goes to reason a little Klingon blood would make them more aggressive. I know it's for balance's sake, but that Gowron can only allow one battle initiation hurts Trek Sense a little. Still, an impressive 4.6. STOCKABILITY: With Blaze of Glory's boost, the Klingons are becoming increasingly popular. That means assimilating their homeworld and getting bonuses against their ships has more chance of hurting an opposing player picked at random. Not only will Gowron of Borg allow this without the need for an Assimilate Counterpart objective, but he can even preemptively strike any opponent - not something that a naturally assimilated counterpart could ever do. And with Borg Cube WEAPONS being so high, you might as well go against facilities. Other tempting strategies for your one free attack (free, in that no Eliminate Starship is required) include going after armadas with a Multiplexor drone, or deliberately going after personnel with Borg Cutting Beam. As a dilemma passer, none of his regular skills are normally available to the Collective, though only Leadership and Diplomacy will really see any use. Excellent attributes too, especially the STRENGTH! 3 Subcommand icons is great for staffing and probing. His VIP can be used to Open Diplomatic Relations and then... attack! He's full of surprises, but you'll need an AU-reporting card to get him. A good 4.5. TOTAL: 15.4 (77%) As if the Empire could ever really fall... ;-) COMPARISON CHART Borg Queen - 17.9 (89.5%) Seven of Nine - 16.6 (83%) Eleven of Seventeen - 16.3 (81.5%) Eleven of Nineteen - 16.1 (80.5%) Fifteen of Seventeen - 15.8 (79%) Locutus of Borg - 15.7 (78.5%) Gowron of Borg - 15.4 (77%) Dukat of Borg - 15.3 (76.5%) Eight of Nineteen - 15.2 (76%) Eighteen of Nineteen - 12.6 (63%) Four of Eleven - 12.4 (62%) Bareil of Borg - 10 (50%) Five of Eleven - 7.8 (39%) Siskoid (of Moncton) Tomorrow on Premiere: I thought she was Klingon...