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Important commandeering note ... Major Rakal ... [3/12/99 19:49]
>G'day all
>I have a few Borg questions:
>If I am playing Borg and my opponent seeds Memory Wipe, what can/can't they do in regards to reporting their personnel and infiltrators to my cubes and outposts (both Delta and non-Delta)?

As Taibak stated in his reply, they cannot report an infilitrator to any of your Borg Outposts or to a Borg Cube. However, they may report the infiltrator card normally to their own outpost, and then beam him aboard your Borg ship where he mingles with your Borg and infilitrates the crew.

>If my Borg personnel are at OPS through the use of Assimilate Counterpart, may I commandeer the Nor? (Even though no objective allows the Borg to do this, would a computer skill present in OPS allow me to take the commandeering option?)

In the past I have answered this yes, because that is the Ops text does not indicate otherwise. However, I have just received word from the rules committee that Borg do not commandeer; they only assimilate. Thus, Borg cannot commandeer a Nor using the Ops text. They may only assimilate it if an objective allows it (currently, only Assimilate Planet and Assimilate Homeworld). This will be in the 3/22 Current Rulings.

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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