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Re: Borg and Hippo Oath Major ? ... Major Rakal ... [4/ 6/99 16:17]
>Hi everybody,
>I know we've had this dicussion before, but I don't have the e-mails anymore :(
>Situation: Borg cube
>3 Comm drones
>3 Nav drones
>3 Def drones
>One of them is the Interlink drone, one of them has Medical skill. DNA clues has upped the requirements of Hipp Oath to three.
>How does he pass this dilemma?
>He has 9 Medical on the cube through the Interlink drone, but he needs to send the three most cunning medical.
>Can he send three Nav drones (cunning 7)? I say no.

Not if they have MEDICAL only by skill-sharing. They will no longer be in the hive when they are relocated and will not have MEDICAL skill after relocation.

>He can't send the Interlink drone and a comm drone and a Nav drone, because they're not the most cunning, right.


>I said he either had to remove the interlink drone and send three medical drones over or lose the Nav drones and send a comm medical with the Interlink drone and one other. Was I right?

Anything that will send the three most CUNNING MEDICAL to the new location, so that they still have MEDICAL when they get there, will work.

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

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