Re: Weird Borg question not specifically answered in the rules. ... Major Rakal ... [3/ 3/00 23:40]
>Situation: my opponent is Borg. He is at a dual-icon mission, where he has seeded an artifact. He targets the mission with Establish Gateway, scouts and clears all of the dilemmas. The only seeded card left is the artifact, which he replaces underneath the mission (he can't place it on top of the mission since he's only scouting for space, not planet).
>Next, he targets the same mission with Assimilate Planet. He sends down a scout. All he finds is the artifact, which he now places on top of the mission, then returns to the ship. Next turn, he probes successfully.

Well, you don't get to place the artifact on top of the mission till *after* the successful probe. It cannot be acquired by anyone till the objective has been completed. But this didn't make any difference to the answer here.

>Then, he sends down the Survey Drone to retrieve the artifact.
>I maintained that this was illegal. The Survey Drone has to be on the planet already when the objective is completed. He can't just arbitrarily beam down and get the artifact (since there is no objective requiring him to beam down).
>It seems like I may have already answered my own question, but I would like an OFFICIAL reply to this. Am I right?

You are correct, he cannot become an Away Team without a card that allows it. Once he has completed scouting the planet, the objective no longer allows him to form Away Teams. He could use a card such as Emergency Transporter Armbands to beam the Syrvey Drone down (that is a card that allows forming an Away Team), but he can't just beam down as he did.

Since he already knew there was nothing left but an artifact, logically he should have sent the Survey Drone to scout and left him there till the probe was completed. He would of course be vulnerable to Thine Own Self.

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Tal Shiar Agent and Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer

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