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Re: borg artifact question ... Major Rakal ... [3/16/99 15:10]
>the drone needed to get artifacts says he must be on the planet or on the ship if at a space location. If I have an artifact on a planet location is their any way i can beam him down after the mission is completed without using emergency transp. armbans or another beaming card.

No, because you can't form Borg Away Teams without a card that allows it. (Or unless you are counter-attacking, kind of jard to pull off.) Your best bet is to arrange to have the Survey Drone on the planet as part of the scouting effort.

>If not could i put the artifact at Tarchanen study (dual icon) and leave the artifact drone on the ship and still get the artifact since the mission does have a space icon?

No, if it is an artifact that must seed on a planet, then you acquire it on the planet (unless you put it in a Cryosatellite).

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

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