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Re: Question about artifacts ... Major Rakal ... [4/29/99 13:06]
>I feel so rediculous asking this, but my TD is arguing with me about it and I can find nothing to prove him wrong-
>Are artifacts not duplicable by default? Is there anything that prevents me from seeding several copies of an artifact (not labeled "not duplicable") under different missions?
>All the rules have ever stated (to my knowledge) is that you may not seed more than one artifact under a single mission, else all your artifacts there are discarded. I had never, until now, heard anything about not being allowed to seed duplicate artifacts under seperate missions.
>I have 2 Kurlans in my current deck, and he says I have to take one out. :(

Your TD is mistaken. Point out to him the Glossary entries on unique, universal and not duplicatable, where you will find nothing saying that artifacts are either unique *or* not duplicatable, unless they are labelled that way. The only cards that are not duplicatable (which means only one can be in play for *both* players), and do not say so are missions. Unique missions are also not duplicatable according to the rules.

Cards other than personnel, ships, missions and sites (all of which are universal if they have that symbol, and unique otherwise) are *not* unique unless they are labelled "Unique" in the text. No artifacts are currently labelled Unique, though a few are no duplicatable.

But in any case, neither designation has any effect on what you can include in your deck or seed. You may seed multiple copies of a unique dilemma or a "not duplicatable" artifact under several missions. The only effect is that only one of those copies may be *in play* at any time. If you have a Dead End that you seeded face up on a mission (because it was not passed), and another of your Dead Ends is encountered, the second one is discarded. If you have a Ressikan Flute in play, and either player earns another one (regardless of who seeded it), the second one is discarded.

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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