Major Rakal's Artifact Resolution Guide
The Artifact Resolution table lists all
artifacts through the Rules of Avquisition expansion set, with details
of their use. It may be printed in landscape mode (horizintal format).
(The Q-icon artifact Picard's Artificial Heart is not included because
it cannot be seeded under a mission, but may only come into play through
your Q-Continuum side deck.)
Here are a few things you need to know about using the Artifact Resolution
- The resolution details are written to be read and followed by "you,"
the player earning or acquiring the artifact.
- Discarded artifacts always go to the discard pile of the owner (the
player who seeded it).
- The first column of the table shows card title, point box text and
any icons.
- The second column classifies the artifact as "Equipment"
(use as Equipment card, joins your Away Team when earned), "Place
in Hand" (place in hand when earned and play later as Event card,
Interrupt card or "Other") or "Immediate" (carry
out the game text immediately when earned).
- [AU] = Alternate Universe icon. You must have an Alternate Universe
Door or Space-Time Portal seeded to seed [AU] icon artifacts. The Doorway
does not have to be open when you earn the artifact (though it must
be open to play an [AU] icon "place in hand" artifact from
your hand later).
- The Persistence of Memory artifact entry is linked to another table
describing exactly how it "reverses" each of the listed cards.
For complete information on artifacts, see Romulan Review #90.
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