Re: 3 questions ... Taibak ... [3/ 3/00 03:33]
>Playing a game tonight, these questions came up
>1. Can you play Alternate Universe Doorway during a regular Card Play and use the first function and allow AU Personel/cards to play?
Nope. The text on that part of the function specifies that it can only be seeded.

>2.) Can you play the Temporal Vortez Doorway to stop a Borg Ship Dilemma you just encountered (so you do not go byebye).

Yes, both because that function suspends play and because that function is a valid resposne.
>3.) Dal-Rock - 2 questions here, does all the people have to be on a single ship at this location to get rid of the Dal-Rock.

I believe so, but check the Glossary on this one.

>Can you beam some people to a stopped shipped and then get rid of the Dal-Rock

>Thanks for any help. Trying to get completely ready for State.
>Captain Dread



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