>Several months ago, there was some discussion on Decipher's Rules
>Area on Deck shuffling and cutting. Well, this question came up
>again locally and to be honest, I don't remember the outcome.
>The rulebook says nothing about allowing your opponent to cut your
>draw deck, side decks or missions. All it states is that you will
>"shuffle" your missions before playing them, and your draw deck
>before drawing your seven cards.
>In our tournaments, I have encouraged the allowing an opponent the
>option of doing a single cut to your missions, side decks and draw
>deck at the beginning of your turn and after downloading cards
>during game play.
>My question is this - is there any requirement above the "shuffling"
>mentioned in the rulebook.
No, because it is a tournament rule, not a gameplay rule as such. It
is in our Code of Conduct, which is posted on the website and applies
to all our games:
At 3:53 PM -0400 4/10/01, Major Rakal wrote:
>8. Draw decks and side decks must be completely randomized (at the
>start of the game and whenever required by a card or rule) by
>shuffling, face down, in view of your opponent. Each time you
>shuffle your deck, present it to your opponent to cut. By presenting
>your deck you are stating that it is sufficiently randomized.
This will of course be incorporated into the next tournament guide
revision, but it has also been on the website since April 10 (and was
sent out much earlier, sometime last year, by Bruce to all TDs).
Jolan tru,
Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)
Tal Shiar Agent and Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer
DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
MajorRakal@decipher.com -- Star Trek CCG rules questions
http://www.decipher.com -- Check here for latest news!
CCGCustomerService@decipher.com -- defective cards, info request, etc
Visit Major Rakal's Tal Shiar Headquarters!
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Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 14:42:41 -0400
To: ambassadors-l@decipher.com
From: Major Rakal <MajorRakal@decipher.com>
Subject: Re: [Amb] Deck Shuffling
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