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Classic Tricorder
by Kathy McCracken, (MajorRakal@decipher.com)

From the 23rd century, we find equipment that is at once both more and less versatile than the 24th-century models. While the 24th-century Tricorder adds only SCIENCE skill to ENGINEER-classification personnel, the "classic" version works with both ENGINEER and SCIENCE classifications, and you can choose ENGINEER, SCIENCE, Geology, or Physics for your added skill, re-selecting once each turn as a game action.

So what's the "less versatile" part? As with the Tricorder, all the affected personnel gain the same skill; you can't give one Geology, another Physics, and so on. And most important, only your [OS] icon personnel can benefit from it. The modern crew will have to continue to depend on their larger selection of personnel for needed skills.

Classic Tricorder + any dilemma requiring multiple ENGINEERs: Curing Theta-Radiation Poisoning or nullifying Duonetic Field Generator is a snap with this handy tricorder.
Classic Tricorder + Geological Survey: Three Geology for the extra 10 points? No problem.

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