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• • • • • • • O F F I C I A L   D E C I P H E R   N E W S   R E L E A S E • • • • • • •

Star Trek[TM] CCG Tribbles Focus Of A New Groundbreaking Game!

Battle stations! Furry little critters are invading Decipher's Star Trek Customizable Card Game[TM], bringing along with them a plethora of new gaming elements that will take the game's environment by storm!

An incredibly action-packed product, The Trouble With Tribbles will be the first Star Trek CCG expansion set to feature material from the original Star Trek television series. Some players have been longing to build a deck containing only classic characters - an endeavor made possible by this new set. Travel back in time and re-create classic adventures, including the events of the Deep Space NineTM "Trials and Tribble-ations" episode!

Players will use omnipresent Tribbles to disrupt their opponent's activities in a myriad of different ways, but that's not all... Tribbles cards can also be used in the fun bonus Tribbles Game unrelated to Star Trek CCG and played only with Tribble cards! Each Tribble card sports a special icon that has no influence on the regular game and only comes into play in the Tribbles Game. Many things are possible within the Tribbles Game: accumulate points by "scoring" Tribbles from your special Tribbles deck, rob your opponents of their high-value cards, set up combos that let you play four times in a row, all in the hopes of achieving the highest score possible. So get your Tribbles deck together! Will you go for sheer power, or for cunning and subtlety? The decision is up to you.

In fact, the Tribbles bonus game turned out to be so much fun that Decipher decided to also introduce a four-player boxed game, totally independent of the Star Trek CCG! The box contains everything required to start playing the Tribbles game immediately: four Tribbles decks, a scorecard and the rules. This quick, fun and easy game will appeal to Star Trek fans across the board.

A 141-card set, The Trouble With Tribbles will feature two preconstructed Starter Decks in addition to the standard 11-card Expansion Packs. Each of these decks - one Klingon, one Federation - will be bursting with features, including an exclusive premium card only found in Starter Decks: Captain Koloth for the Klingon side, and Lt. Sisko for the Federation crew. For new players who want to jump into the game with a punch, this is it!

The Trouble With Tribbles will also contain selected Deep Space Nine and The Next Generation personnel, several cards hinted at in previous sets, and one ultra-rare card: the cantankerous Dr. McCoy! This choice was made as a tribute to the late DeForest Kelley, who portrayed the beloved doctor for more than three decades.

A treasure-trove both for players and collectors, The Trouble With Tribbles is currently set for a July 2000 release date. Can you say "Great Tribble Hunt?"

Jonathan Quesenberry
Public Relations Manager
to contact: (757) 623-3600
May 30, 2000


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