> newsflash

Misprints on Two Star Trek Reflections Cards

The recently released Reflections expansion for Star Trek CCG has been very well-received by players and collectors. The striking renderings of some of the best rare cards from the first five years of the game have been praised as the best foil cards Decipher has produced to date. Fans have also been glad to get several older cards that have received errata reprinted to (pun not intended) reflect those changes. Tasha Yar - Alternate, Major Rakal, and several other cards have been corrected and clarified in their foil versions. Unfortunately, two of the foils in Reflections have been changed in ways we at Decipher did not intend - Kira Nerys and Admiral Riker.

The original version of Kira Nerys (printed in the Deep Space Nine expansion) lists "Navigation x2" as one of her skills. The new Reflections foil has only a single "Navigation." Also, the name "Shakaar" in the lore of the Reflections foil is misspelled.

Admiral Riker (who originally appeared as a white-bordered preview card in The Dominion) had a special download of any Enterprise "if aboard your matching facility." The new Reflections foil says it requires instead that he be aboard a "compatible" facility.

All of these discrepancies are accidental. Both of these two foil cards should be treated as though they had the same text as their original non-foil versions. Kira has Navigation x2 (and is a former member of Shakaar resistance cell); Riker's download requires that he be aboard a matching facility. This will be added in the next revision of the Current Rulings for easy reference.

How did these mistakes happen? Ironically, they're a side effect from our commitment to bring you the best game cards possible. Years ago, when these two cards were designed for their original expansions, last minute changes were made to both.

Just as the Deep Space Nine cards were going off to the printers, proof-readers noticed the "Shakaar" typo on Kira. Since the card would have to be changed anyway, the designers took advantage of the opportunity to add a second Navigation and increase her power. Six months later, as The Dominion was heading for the presses, playtesting and review of Admiral Riker revealed the awkward possibility of using his Enterprise download (which worked aboard "compatible" facilities) while on a Colony or Terraforming Station. The designers opted for a last-minute change from "compatible" to "matching" to eliminate these problems.

These changes came literally as the set was heading off to be printed, and thus were made directly to the press sheets themselves. It was overlooked to make the same changes to the archived reference files of all the cards from those two sets. Consequently, years later when we went back to our archives to reprint the cards for Reflections, we found versions of the cards from just before the last-minute changes were implemented. Or rather, we unfortunately did not find them, and ended up printing exactly those mistakes we'd managed to avoid making years ago.

After what happened here with Reflections, we made a very detailed review of our archives to make certain no other unexpected discrepancies are waiting to be revealed. And as Mirror, Mirror now goes off to the printer, we have meticulously catalogued our final tweaks and adjustments. (And yes, there have been changes, as we worked to make the set the best it can possibly be.)

We'd like to extend our apologies to all players and collectors of Star Trek CCG for these errors. As the correct gameplay for both Admiral Riker and Kira Nerys is already in print in the original non-foil versions, Decipher does not have plans to print replacements for these foils. We hope the mistakes do not detract from your enjoyment of the Reflections set as a whole -- or even from these two particular cards. Despite the text, we think you'll agree the images remain just as stunning and collectable as before.

Evan Lorentz
"Mot the Barber"
November 3, 2000

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