Away Team Pack
Thanks for your interest in obtaining a Star Trek CCG Away Team pack, containing
one copy each of the Emissary and Traveler cards, during our special, limited
time mail-in card offer, good now through March 1, 1999.
The Away Team pack is usually available only by direct distribution from one
of Decipher's Star Trek CCG representatives (and sometimes, our Star Wars CCG
marketers and key volunteers) when Decipher appears at special events, or through
distribution in gaming magazines.This is the very first time the Away Team mail-in
card offer has appeared on the Decipher Web site. Here is how to get yours.
Read directions carefully. If the answer to your question is not here, email
for assistance. Before you mail us, here is basic information:
One card request per person.
One card request per envelope.
International Reply Coupons can not be accepted as postage for requests that will
be mailed to a United States return address.
US currency and US postage stamps may be used by those living outside of the US.
This option is carefully explained below.
Our delivery standard for properly prepared mail requests is 4-6 weeks.
Improperly prepared mail requests may take as long as 8-10 weeks to process.
Card offer requests must be postmarked March 1, 1999 or earlier.

- For US residents . . .
From inside the US, all you have to do is send a self-addressed, stamped envelope
with one US dollar (or check or money order, payable to Decipher) for shipping
and handling to:
Away Team Pack
Decipher Inc.
Box 56
Norfolk, VA 23501-0056
- For everyone outside the US . . .
Players outside the US have options for making a Rebel Leader pack request. For
instance, if you can get US currency and US stamps, you may use them. Read carefully
to determine the option that is best for you. If you have a question, let us help
BEFORE you send in your request. Email us at
ccgcustomerservice@decipher.com for assistance.
Here are the directions:
- Send your choice of:
one U.S. dollar OR one International Reply Coupon, validated in upper left corner
- AND also enclose either one International Reply Coupon OR a legibly printed
self-addressed, stamped envelope with United States stamps. To our knowledge,
the recent change in US first class postage (from $.32 to $.33) does not affect
these rates.
IRCs are available from your local post office, no matter where in the world you
- Send to:
Away Team Pack
Decipher Inc.
Box 56
Norfolk, VA 23501-0056
Questions, comments - contact Customer Service at
757-623-3600 or e-mail: ccgcustomerservice@decipher.com