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Two-player Game Is Out!
Rich Loftus Web Writer
January 23 1997 -The Star Trek [TM] Customizable Card Game [TM] Introductory Two-player Game is out there. Honest. But you may have to ask your local retailer to order a game set for you, because the distribution for the Two-player game is slightly different than that of card starter and expansion sets.
You can't just sit back and think, "I hope my favorite shop stocks it." Take action on this one. Ask for it by name.
Here's a quick list of what you'll find inside.
two white border pre-customized 60-card decks, one Klingon, one Federation
three premium cards--a black border "Admiral McCoy," a black border Data Laughing" and a white border Spock
11 new Mission cards
one Basic 15-card expansion pack
one Alternate Universe 15-card expansion pack
a large-format, illustrated rules booklet
plus, in Edition #1 (blue box), three new black-border premium Federation cards-"Admiral Picard," "Commander Data" and "Commander Troi"
Edition 2, (red box) contains three new black border premium Klingon cards-"Mogh, "Ja'rod" and Gi'ral ."