Initiate:First Contact

Playing The Borg:
Choosing Personnel

by Evan Lorentz, aka "Mot the Barber"

Choosing Personnel (Navigation)

Let's continue analysis of the Borg personnel by turning to the second subcommand.

Astrogation Drone (Eighteen of Nineteen): No "classification" skills here, which is a drawback - not much help in dealing with dilemmas. The RANGE enhancement to Borg ships can be quite nice, though, when faced with Cytherians, or when trying to move quickly to the location you've targeted with your next objective. It's near impossible to catch up with and eliminate the Pasteur or Future Enterprise without this drone. MOT'S ADVICE: Most Borg strategies work without this drone. If you're trying to get to your next location faster, use a Sphere. Move your Cube its full RANGE, launch the Sphere and move its full RANGE, then start scouting. Next turn, you can move the Sphere back, pick up the Cube, then move the Cube back and pick up scouting (or probing), where you left off.

Quantum Drone (Six of Eleven): Vital to a successful Borg deck. Three regular skills -- Physics, Navigation and SCIENCE. Navigation helps against a few dilemmas, and helps you use cards like Asteroid Sanctuary if things get really rough. The SCIENCE is a basic staple dilemma requirement. All this, plus the ability to download an Alternate Univere Door in place of a card draw. The AU Door will unblock your Gateways that your opponent has tried to block with a Revolving Door (or unblock any other Doorway, for that matter). It'll get you by Q-Nets if the Queen isn't handy. And it'll nullify Temporal Rifts if you should come up against a player favoring those (you'll have to download it before the Quantum Drone gets put in the Rift, of course).

Survey Drone (Sixteen of Nineteen): Archaeology and Geology aren't of much help with dilemmas. The main reason you'd use a Survey Drone is its ability to acquire artifacts. The Orb of Prophecy and Change can be so useful in rigging probe draws, you might consider stocking him for that reason.

: When playing Borg, your dilemmas need to be really tough. They must hold your opponent at bay if you encounter delays. So you don't have much free space for artifacts. Don't count too much on using the Survey Drone to steal artifacts from your opponent, either. It's easy enough to do at space locations, but is difficult at planets. The Survey Drone must be on the planet to acquire the artifact, but the Borg may not form Away Teams unless a card allows them to. You would have to stock a card like Emergency Transporter Armbands, or target a planet location with an Assimilate objective -- and planets without point boxes worth 35 or higher aren't legal targets. That leaves plenty of places your opponent can seed artifacts that you'll be hard-pressed to get to. If you want to use an artifact in your own deck, obviously you'll need the Survey Drone. But if you don't, you can probably ignore him.

Tachyon Drone (Ten of Nineteen): Navigation appears on other drones you'll be using, and Astrophysics won't help solve any dilemma that can't be solved with some other skill, anyway. The real value of the Tachyon Drone is its ability to force your opponent's ships to decloak. If you have a battle-oriented strategy, you'd better stock this drone in case your opponent is playing Klingon or Romulan (or the Future Enterprise).

Transport Drone (Two of Eleven): Transporter Skill, the put upon skill. I did a few "Useless" Reviews some time back, on Anti-Matter Pod, and the three planetary obstruction Events. In an unlimited deck size environment, you might start seeing these cards more, and might do well to have Transporter Skill in your hive. ENGINEER, of course, you'll need (but can get elsewhere). Really, this Drone's main ability is to beam through your opponent's SHIELDS. You'll need this if planning an Assimilate Counterpart strategy, or if you are planning to use Undetected Beam-Ins to report personnel to your opponent's ships or Borg Servo to acquire drones (in order to retrieve them later). If you are planning other tactics, the Transport Drone is not likely to help you.

Transwarp Drone (Two of Nineteen): Yet another drone with Navigation, so nothing extraordinary there. The Stellar Cartography is unique to this drone, but also not needed for anything other than mission attempts, so currently of no value to you. The ability to download a Transwarp Network Gateway or Transwarp Conduit, however, is very powerful indeed.

MOT'S ADVICE: I stock one Transwarp Network Gateway for every Establish Gateway objective in my deck, another for my outpost, and usually two more for transportation purposes or emergency building situations. This is not always enough to guarantee one will naturally come up in a card draw, depending on the size of the deck. So be sure to stock this drone so you can download one when you need it.

Navigation drones are important to have around, since you need at least two to staff a Borg Cube or Borg Sphere. Even the easy to staff Borg Scout Vessel requires a Navigation Borg. Swarm strategies will definitely need lots of Navigation to get all those ships staffed. These drones also facilitate your movement by allowing you to build Transwarp Network Gateways. If your strategy is space-intensive, you'll want these in your deck for the probing -- both Establish Gateway and Secret Salvage will succeed on a Navigation icon.

NEXT TIME: Choosing Personnel (Defense)