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Establish Gateway
By W. Marc Crusher

This is the most basic objective for a Borg player - even more basic than its counterpart "Assimilate Planet", because you'll need it to complement any Retask strategy and, even more prominently, you can seed it - unlike the Assimilate Planet card.

This card allows you to scout any space loaction for 25 points. Pretty basic and not much to it. It is usually easier to complete than a Planet where you can encounter nasties like Alien Parasites but it is also a bit riskier as you will to have to pit your entire crew against the Dilemmas your opponent has in store for you - and if it that is a Yuta, combined with Alas, Poor Queen, you just might be in trouble ;-)

Mind also that, unlike Assimilate Planet, Establish Gateway is non-exclusive, giving your non-Borg opponent a free shot at a space mission potentially worth much more than 25 points after you took all the trouble to get through the Dilemmas.

And a last pointer: Make sure you do have enough Transwarp Network Gateways in your deck when using Establish Gateway. As you have to download a Gateway upon completion, you will easily give your opponent a free peek at your entire strategy if you don't stock enough Gateways to satisfy these mandatory downloads. 45-point "bounty"!

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