Star Trek CCG - First Contact Card Strategies



Sense The Borg
By:Sean O'Reilly (

Since downloading cards or playing a doorway (on your own turn) does not count as a normal card play you can get even more personnel in play with Sense the Borg. A popular strategy is to play a Rogue Borg Mercenary on your opponent's ship to stop them from executing orders. When you play a RBM, then play Sense the Borg in response to download Ready Room Door which when played allows you to download Assign Mission Specialists which allows you to download two mission specialists. Stopping your opponent AND getting two personnel in play, not that bad!


Rogue Borg Mercenary + Sense the Borg + Ready Room Door + Assign Mission Specialists + two mission specialist personnel.

Sense The Borg
By: Alidar Jarok

This card, in effect, lets you download dozens of cards. In addition to the first three cards listed, Ready Room Door will let you download ships' captains or Captain's Order cards. One Captain's Order card is Assign Mission Specialists, which lets you download any two mission specialists, and there are quite a few of them in the game. All those cards to download, and it doesn't even count as your card play! And remember, the new Jean-Luc Picard can download this card.

The catch is that something Borg-related has to enter play. However, it doesn't have to be your opponent's Borg. So if you're playing Borg, you can use this card to report the Queen to her Cube as soon as you play the Queen's Borg Cube. Or, you can play a Rogue Borg to stop your opponent's ship, and play Sense The Borg to download one of many cards - use one stone to kill two birds!


Sense The Borg + Queen's Borg Cube (or Sphere): As soon as you play the ship, use Sense The Borg to download Ready Room Door, hence downloading the Borg Queen. Now it's time to take over the Alpha Quadrant!

Opponent's Lore + Opponent's Rogue Borg Mercenaries + FC Jean-Luc Picard: So, your opponent played about 6 Rogue Borg on your Enterprise-E. Use Picard to download Sense The Borg, and use that to download Hugh. Intruders? What intruders?


Theta-Radiation Poisoning
by Evan Lorentz

Theta-Radiation Poisoning takes care of two problems at the same time. If your opponent runs into it at their outpost mission early in the game, they'll be forced to ferry their personnel away as they report them to keep them alive. It'll also hurt players using only one ship. 6 ENGINEER is pretty hard to come by, so players without multiple ships may have a serious problem. You might stock Disruptor Overload when using this dilemma, to get rid of any Medical Kits, or Engineering Kits or PADDs your opponent might be using.


Theta-Radiation Poisoning + Disruptor Overload: Good luck finding all those ENGINEERs.

Theta-Radiation Poisoning + Cytherians: Go ahead and let the survivors have their 15 points.

Theta-Radiation Poisoning + Coalescent Organism: More deadly than an assault team.

Your opponent's six missions + Theta-Radiation Poisoning + Outpost Raid + Sheliak/Q + Dead End + Coalescent Organism + Undetected Beam-In: That should pretty well cover it.


Vulcan Lander
By Wesley Crusher

An interesting small ship for any affiliation. It is in the same league as the Runabout, the Scouts and the K'Vorts concerning ease of staffing and RANGE, with the interesting additional ability to land and quickly score 20 off a Planet for a very small cost.

Especially with the new seed rules, Planets will be a common sight, so a Vulcan lander is an interesting small ship, especially for the Federation who have a whole handful of Vulcans (including Taurik, the only Vulcan Mission Specialist) and get better SHIELDS than with the Runabout.

The other affiliations have to rely on non- aligned Vulcans (don't forget Tallera!), but they can also enjoy the quick download of a Vulcan through Ready Room Door and Solkar. Just watch out for those Montana Missile Complexes that could fiddle with the ability to use this ship the way you want to.


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