Tal Shiar Databases

Major Rakal's Card Errata List


This list includes:

(1) Premiere cards whose game text was changed in the Beta printing (1995 copyright notice). Corrections to typographical or factual errors in the lore are not included, as they have no effect on gameplay. These changes are marked [Beta].

(2) Other cards which have been reprinted with changes (white-border preview cards which were changed in the black-border printing). Such changes are marked with the set in which they were reprinted.

(3) Cards which have official revised text (errata or clarification). If no source for the revision is marked, the card has not been reprinted, but the listed text is the official current wording for that card, as given in the Glossary or Current Rulings.

(4) A few miscellaneous items such as the official "translations" for Dixon Hill's Business Card and Qapla'! (from the Fajo Collection Rules Supplement) and the two versions of Amanda's Parents (the one in the Revised Text column is considered the correct version).

In most cases only the changed portion of the game text is quoted, unless the entire text is fairly short. The rest of the game text is assumed to be unchanged. In particular, for changes to personnel skills boxes, only the changed skill is given. [SD] stands for the Special Download icon.

Card Original Text Revised Text
Amanda Rogers Nullifies any one Interrupt card just played (except Kevin Uxbridge or another Amanda Rogers) OR any one artifact just played as an Interrupt card. Nullifies any one Interrupt card just played (except Kevin Uxbridge or another Amanda Rogers card) OR any other card just played as an Interrupt card.
Amanda's Parents Plays on table until any Q-Flash. Each time you play an Amanda Rogers card (except to nullify a Q icon card), opponent may place that Amanda Rogers card and any two cards in your discard pile out-of-play.

[This is a secondary version of the card, not the preferred text.]
Plays on table until any Q-Flash. Each time you play an Amanda Rogers card (except to nullify a Q icon card), opponent may take that Amanda Rogers (and any two other cards) from your discard pile and place all three out-of-play.

[This is the official, correct version. Both versions were printed in the Q-Continuum expansion.]
Anti-Time Anomaly Plays on table. Kills literally ALL personnel on table... Plays on table. Kills literally ALL personnel in play...
Assign Mission Specialists Seeds or plays on table. You may download to one outpost up to two different mission specialists that you do not already have in play. Also, while in play, each of your mission specialists scores 5 points whenever they use their skill to meet a mission requirement. You may voluntarily discard objective at start of any of your turns. (Captain's Order. Unique.) Seeds or plays on table. You may download to one of your outposts up to two different mission specialists that you do not already have in play. Also, while in play, each of your mission specialists scores 5 bonus points whenever they use their skill to meet a mission requirement. You may voluntarily discard objective at start of any of your turns. (Unique.)
Captain's Log Plays on table. Any of your personnel aboard a ship he or she commanded or captained (as referenced in ship lore) raises SHIELDS +3 and WEAPONS +3. (Not cumulative.) Plays on table. Each of your ships with its matching commander aboard is SHIELDS +3 and WEAPONS +3. (Not cumulative.)
Cargo Rendezvous ENGINEERING + Physics + INTEGRITY>30 ENGINEER + Physics + INTEGRITY>30
Cryosatellite ...Those personnel come aboard your ship when mission completed. ...Those personnel come aboard your ship when Cryosatellite earned or acquired.
Distortion Field ...While face up, prevents any beam down here unless pattern enhancers in play. ...While face up, prevents beam down/up here unless pattern enhancers in play. [Beta]
Dixon Hill's Business Card Interrupt: If any mug (what ain't Swedish) just got iced and there weren't no witnesses, finger any udda mug what's woikin' for da same boss. Put da bag on 'im.

Event: Plays on da table. The udda boss' next mug what shows up has gotta be univoisal or hologrammatical, den put dis card outta commission. (No duplicatin' dis here event.)
Interrupt: If any personnel (except a Borg) just died and there were no other personnel present, select any other personnel controlled by the same player. That personnel is captured.

Event: Plays on table. The opponent's next personnel to report for duty must be universal or a holographic re-creation. Then place this card out-of-play. (Event is not duplicatable.)

[Official "translation" from Fajo Collection Rules Supplement. Not errata.]
Docking Pads Docking Ring Habitat Ring
Emergency Transporter Armbands Beam Personnel up or down at any time, even during a battle before the winner is determined. Beam your Personnel up or down at any time, except during a dilemma (unless specifically permitted). May be used during battle before the winner is determined. [Beta]
Evacuation Diplomacy x3 + Strength>35 Diplomacy x3 + STRENGTH>35 [Beta]
Firestorm All Away Team members with INTEGRITY<5 are killed unless thermal deflectors present . Discard dilemma.

All Away Team members with INTEGRITY<5 are killed unless thermal deflectors present OR Away Team escapes using emergency transporter armbands. Discard dilemma. [Beta]
Kills all Away Team members with INTEGRITY<5 (but Away Team may escape using Emergency Transporter Armbands). Discard dilemma.
Full Planet Scan Glance at the Dilemma and Artifact cards located under one planet mission for twenty seconds. Glance at all seed cards located under one planet mission for twenty seconds.
Garak May replace anyone randomly selected to die here. May replace anyone present randomly selected to die. [Dominion printing]
Kevin Uxbridge Destroys any one Event card in play (except for Treaty cards) OR any one artifact in play as an Event card. Nullifies any one Event card (except for Treaty cards) OR any other card played as an Event card.
Khitomer Research Romulan affiliation icon only Added Klingon affiliation icon; mission is now Romulan/Klingon. [Beta]
Major Rakal   "Deanna Troi" (in the lore) should be bold-faced, making Major Rakal a persona of Deanna Troi. (Note: this does not affect her AU icon.)
Martok [SD] D'k Tagh [SD] D'k Tahg
Menthar Booby Trap Unless MEDICAL present, one crew member killed (random selection). Ship can't move until 2 ENGINEER present. Unless MEDICAL present, one crew member killed (random selection). Place on ship. Ship can't move until 2 ENGINEER present.
Phased Matter Away Team is split into two Away Teams (owner's choice). Only the smaller team may beam up until ENGINEER and SCIENCE present. Away Team is split into two Away Teams (owner's choice). Larger team is phased and cannot beam until cured by ENGINEER and SCIENCE in another Away Team on planet.
Phaser Burns If you have phasers or disruptors present during an Away Team battle, before a winner is determined randomly select two opposing personnel to die. If you have phasers or disruptors present during a personnel battle, before a winner is determined randomly select two opposing stunned cards to die.
Qapla'! Qapla'!

DabuQlu'DI' yISuv. bISovbejbe'DI' tImer. Suvlu'taHvIS yapbe' HoS neH. tIqDaq HoSna' tu'lu'. may'meyDajvo' Haw'be' tlhIngan.

DuHIvchugh ghol vaj qaStaHvIS may'vetlh HoSDaq ghob luchel quv ghajbogh tlhInganpu'lI'. (vI'be'.)
When threatened, fight. When in doubt, surprise them. Brute strength is not the most important asset in a fight. Real power is in the heart. A Klingon does not run away from his battles.

If an opponent attacks you, during that battle your Klingons with Honor add INTEGRITY to STRENGTH. (Not cumulative.)

[Official translation from Fajo Collection Rules Supplement. Not errata.]
Quark Son of Keldar All attributes +3 if with Grilka. Attributes all +3 if with Grilka. [Blaze of Glory printing]
Red Alert! Plays on table. Allows you to play as many Ship, Personnel, and Equipment cards as desired each turn. Plays on table. In place of your normal card play, you may report for duty any number of Ship, Personnel and Equipment cards.
Remodulation Nullifies Adapt: Neutralize Weapon. OR ... Nullifies Adapt: Modulate Shields. OR ...
Reported Activity Navigation + ENGINEERING x2 Navigation + ENGINEER x2
Scan Glance at the Dilemma and Artifact cards located under one space mission for twenty seconds. Glance at all seed cards located under one space mission for twenty seconds.
Scanner Interference ...At any time you may discard incident to download Atmospheric Ionization, Distortion Field and/or Particle Scattering Field. ...At any time, you may discard incident to download into play Atmospheric Ionization, Distortion Field and/or Particle Scattering Field.
Six of Eleven (Quantum Drone) When on your ship, may download an Alternate Universe Doorway in place of one card draw. When on your ship, may download an Alternate Universe Door in place of one card draw.
Tasha Yar - Alternate • Armed with Starfleet Type II Phaser. [SD] Starfleet Type II Phaser
Thine Own Self Plays on opponent's one- or two-person Away Team. Away Team is "lost" (place under mission). Rescued if owner later completes mission. Captured if you do. Plays on opponent's one- or two-person Away Team on a planet (unless in a facility). Away Team is "lost" (place under mission). Capture (opponent rescues) by solving mission.
T'Pan • SCIENCE • SCIENCE • Mindmeld (Added Mindmeld skill.) [Beta]
Tsiolkovsky Infection ...Cure with 3 MEDICAL to discard. ...Cure with 3 MEDICAL to discard. (Not cumulative.) [Beta]
U.S.S. Danube Reports for free to Runabout Pads. Reports for free to Docking Pads.
Vulcan Nerve Pinch Plays at start of Away Team or Rogue Borg battle. Each Vulcan or Soong-Type Android present may place one personnel (random selection) in stasis until the end of your next turn. Plays at start of Away Team or Rogue Borg battle. Each of your Vulcans or Soong-Type Androids present may place one of the opponent's personnel (random selection) in stasis until the end of your next turn.
Zon May nullify Nausicaans where present. May nullify Nausicaans dilemma where present.